PHOTO: Early Childhood Education lecturer and MENtor Program Coordinator Martyn Mills-Bayne with student Akash Krishna. (ABC News: Rebecca Opie)
Male teachers are a rare sight in primary schools across Australia and, as the number of men enrolling in education dwindles, some fear they could become a thing of the past.
At the University of South Australia only 4 per cent of students studying early childhood education are male, with less than 10 graduating each year.
The number is slightly higher for primary teaching, with 17 per cent of students male, however, the majority intend to work in upper primary or as physical education teachers.
For the past four years, early childhood education lecturer Martyn Mills-Bayne has been trying to increase the number of males in the degree through a support program.
“What can happen in studying and teaching is that it can become a very isolating experience for men,” he said.
“The MENtor program allows connections between men who have been through the program and men who are out there teaching who can perhaps provide that unique experience of being a male teaching in an early childhood or primary setting.”
When I first started, you walk into the room and you’re pretty much the only male who comes to the tutorials and lectures.
Teaching student Akash Krishna
Mr Mills-Bayne said men interested in educating young children were too often deterred.
“The two reasons I’ve found is that society’s views of working with young children is seen as ‘women’s work,’ that men aren’t generally viewed as being in the caring role with young children,” he said.
“That’s coupled with the fact that many men are scared of, or worried about being accused of impropriety with young children or false accusations that could end their career.”
Akash Krishna is in his third year of an early childhood education degree and said his passion for teaching helped him overcome insecurities.
“When I first started, you walk into the room and you’re pretty much the only male who comes to the tutorials and lectures,” he said.
“But I’ve had really positive influences throughout my studies from family to the MENtor program and good friends who have supported me along the way.”
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