Presenting to you our 2022 infographic report on the impact of Generation Next on young people, youth professionals and the wider community.
A special thanks to you and everybody who has supported Generation Next, tuned in on our podcasts, videos, articles, and participated in our online learning program.

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Books from Generation Next
Generation Next have several books available, offering expert advice on the mental health & wellbeing of young people – essential reading.
Latest Articles
- Communication problems can be the sign of a mental health disorder
- Fit kids have better mental and physical health. What’s the best way to get them active?
- How light can shift your mood and mental health
- How can you help your child learn to self-regulate?
- What are executive function delays? Research shows they’re similar in ADHD and autism
- What schools could do to better-support neurodiverse girls
Articles by focus area
- Anxiety (157)
- ASD (8)
- Body Image (8)
- Bullying (61)
- CALD (1)
- Consent (4)
- COVID (32)
- Creativity (13)
- Cybersafety (420)
- Depression (136)
- Diet & Nutrition (20)
- Disability (21)
- Drugs & Alcohol (497)
- Eating Disorders (44)
- Education (173)
- Extremism (2)
- Gambling (15)
- Grief (2)
- Grooming (6)
- Gun Violence (3)
- Job readiness (10)
- Learning (82)
- Masculinity (4)
- Mental Health & Wellbeing (1,723)
- Mental Illness (289)
- Nature Play (15)
- Obesity (15)
- Podcast (33)
- Pornography (4)
- Positive Psychology (18)
- Resilience (24)
- Science & Research (502)
- Screen Use (14)
- self-harm (7)
- Sexual Assault (15)
- Sexual Education (11)
- Sleep (56)
- Social and Emotional Learning (32)
- Social Media (37)
- Society & Culture (1,501)
- Suicide (67)
- Technology (334)
- Trauma (20)
- Uncategorized (436)
- Video (25)
- Violence (11)
- Wellbeing (54)