“It gave me knowledge on mental health and other issues that I didn’t have before, and the safety in the knowledge that I am not alone. ”
(Year 11 Student, Interactive Livestream 2018)

The Generation Next Student Wellbeing and Leadership Interactive Livestream aims to provide accessible mental health education to all schools across Australia and equip students to better look after their mental health by increasing mental health literacy and providing practical strategies, tools and skills to maintain good mental health. It is targeted at high school students, with different modules for different age groups, making it suitable for the whole school community. Sessions are interactive, stimulating and include Q&A, polling and discussion, enabling students to interact with their peers in real-time across Australia.

The Interactive Livestream is available to all schools across Australia. Set up is easy and caters to schools’ existing facilities and resources, providing an opportunity for all schools to participate. Students just need an internet-enabled digital device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) to participate!

The following interactive livestreams are available:

National Livestream A

National Livestream B


Why participate?

  • 90% of students feel the interactive livestream has a positive impact on how to look after their mental health
  • 90% of students and teachers feel the interactive livestream is worthwhile and useful
  • 96% satisfaction rating from teachers and students!

How useful was the interactive livestream in providing you with skills and understanding to look after your mental health?

“It can help me with my anxiety issues and improve my relationships with friends.”
(Year 12 Student, Interactive Livestream 2018)

“Fantastic day – students enjoyed it! The information and interaction for a live stream was exceptional, access for small country schools has been appreciated.”
(Dean of Students, Interactive Livestream 2018)