Growing Happy, Healthy Young Minds

Edited by Dr Ramesh Manocha & Gyongyi Horvath
To read the full chapter go to Volume 1, chapter 9, pp. 133-149.


Siobhan Lawler

Research Assistant and Social Media Manager for the Positive Choices initiative

Siobhan, Nicola, Katrina and Lexine are all affiliated with the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW in Sydney.
Siobhan Lawler has been Research Assistant and Social Media Manager for the Positive Choices initiative since 2015. It provides evidence-based drug education and prevention resources and training for school communities.


Associate Professor Nicola Newton

Director of Prevention, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW

Associate Professor Nicola Newton is Director of Prevention. She leads a program of research
developing and evaluating innovative approaches to the prevention of substance use, mental health problems and risky health behaviours in adolescents.


Dr Katrina Champion

NHMRC Early Career Fellow

Dr Katrina Champion is an NHMRC Early Career Fellow. She has been closely involved in the development, evaluation and translation of the Climate Schools substance use prevention programs.


Dr Lexine Stapinski

Senior Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW

Dr Lexine Stapinski is a Senior Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist. She leads the Positive Choices project, a national initiative to improve dissemination of evidence-based drug prevention across Australia.


To prevent the short- and long-term harm that can be associated with early initiation to alcohol and other drug use, it is important to communicate with young people so they know the facts about these substances and how to stay safe. Equipping young people with up-to-date, evidence-based information and support empowers them to make informed decisions about drug and alcohol use.

Want to Learn More, Get Help or Find Support?

There are currently no podcasts available. This page will be updated once new podcasts have been created.

Positive Choices: online portal providing easy access to evidence-based alcohol and other drug information and prevention resources for teachers, students and parents 

Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use (CREMS): contributing to the effective prevention, treatment and epidemiology of comorbid mental health and substance use disorders 

National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre: A leading Australian drug and alcohol research institution

National Drug Research Institute: contributing to preventing drug-related harm in Australia and internationally

Kids Help Line: telephone, web and email counselling available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for children and young people
or phone: 1800 55 1800

Reach Out: providing information about drugs, where to seek help and how to help a friend 

Headspace: information and counselling services relating to alcohol, drugs, education, employment and general or mental health for young people 

Lifeline:  24-hour phone and online counselling service or phone: 13 11 14

National Drugs Campaign: an Australian Government website that provides information about illicit drugs and campaign resources

Counselling Online: free online professional counselling service for people seeking help with their own drug use or the drug use of a family member, relative, or friend

Australian Drug Information Network: directory for alcohol and other drug information services in Australia

Drug Info: online information about alcohol and other drugs

Family Drug Support: 24 hour phone and online information and support for families of alcohol and other drug users or
phone: 1300 368 186

YoDAA: Victoria’s Youth Drug and Alcohol Advice Service or phone: 1800 458 685

Climate Schools

Positive Choices

Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use

National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

Newton, N, Rodriguez, D, Teesson, M, Black, E, Rainsford, C, Allsop, S, McBride, N, Swift, W, Bryant, Z, Kay-Lambkin, F, Chapman, C, Reda, B, Stapinski, L & Slade, T 2 014, Illegal drugs: What you need to know (Student version), NDARC, Sydney.
Newton, N, Rodriguez, et a 2014, Illegal drugs: What you need to know (Parent version), NDA RC , Sydney.
Newton, N et al 2014. Illegal drugs: What you need to know ( Teacher version), NDARC, Sydney.

Chapter References

Know of any good resources that are not listed here? You can tell us here!