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So far Imogen has created 105 blog entries.

From Tiger To Free-Range Parents – What Research Says About Pros And Cons Of Popular Parenting Styles

What type of parent are you? Designed by Wes Mountain, CC BY-ND What’s the best way to raise your child? It’s a question that has provoked the publication of numerous books, and seen authors race to coin the next quirky name for a new style of parenting. And it turns out there are [...]

Psychology Of A Paedophile: Why Are Some People Attracted To Children?

Getty Images Having worked with police forces in Australia and the United Kingdom identifying those who sexually prey on children, people are always asking me how you can tell a paedophile from everyone else. Well, I can tell you one thing – they don’t have horns and tails. They look and act like [...]

‘Death Pill’: Fentanyl Disguised As Other Drugs Linked To Spike In US Overdoses

The tablets look just like pharmaceutical grade pills, or Pez candy. They are marked as the anti-anxiety medication Xanax, prescription painkillers or packaged in colorful candy wrappers. The buyer may know they’re getting a drug, but what they don’t know is that the drug they’re getting is fentanyl, between 50 and 100 times as powerful [...]

By |2020-10-30T12:40:52+11:00May 29th, 2016|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

6 Silly Mistakes You Make In The Pursuit Of Happiness

Photo: Digital Vision Be happy. Do you get confused by that. I mean, happiness. You’re told to be happy no matter what. Everywhere you find advice on happiness. Books promising to deliver true happiness. Blog posts telling you do this and you’ll be happy. Friends and family telling you to add happiness on [...]

7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One Of The Fastest Growing Job Skills

Talent Smart According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report, emotional intelligence will be one of the top 10 job skills in 2020. The awareness that emotional intelligence is an important job skill, in some cases even surpassing technical ability, has been growing in recent years. In a 2011 Career Builder [...]

By |2016-05-29T18:52:54+10:00May 28th, 2016|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

I Think A Bullet Might Hurt A Little Bit Less Than This Loneliness: The Instagram Fad Normalising Suicidal Yearnings As Fashionable

Instagram Suicide-themed captions crafted by girls are attracting hundreds of teen and tween girls. However there are almost no responses encouraging the distressed and possibly at-risk girl to call ‘000’, a kids’ help hotline or even asking ‘RUOK?’ Instead, adoring fans applaud with ‘likes’, approving comments and a shower of emoticon hearts before [...]

Major Depression Might Be Averted By Online Help

Credit: Syda Productions/Shutter Stock People who may be sliding toward depression might be able to prevent the full-blown disorder by completing some self-help exercises online, a new study suggests. Researchers found that men and women who had some symptoms of depression and used a web-based mental health program that was supported by an [...]

We Saw Magic Mushrooms Lift Long-Term Depression. It’s Time For A Change Of Perception

In the latest Beckley/Imperial study, we selected 12 people who had experienced depression over an average of 18 years, despite all that modern medicine can offer. Instead of daily medication, we wanted to know if their condition would improve after an “inner journey” on a 25mg dose of the psychedelic drug psilocybin. We also wanted to [...]

Do You Inherit Your Parent’s Mental Illness?

James Longman/BBC News In the battle to find what causes mental illness, scientists are increasingly looking at genetic factors. For James Longman - whose father killed himself after suffering from schizophrenia - it's a very personal question. I'm often told I look like my dad, that I have his mannerisms and some of [...]

By |2016-05-15T09:50:11+10:00May 15th, 2016|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |1 Comment

Only Fundamental Social Change Can Defeat The Anxiety Epidemic

Natasha Devon, sacked last week as a mental health champion for young people. Photograph: Ken McKay/Rex We live with an epidemic of anxiety. In 1980, 4% of Americans suffered a mental disorder associated with anxiety. Today half do. The trends in Britain are similar. A third of Britons will experience anxiety disorder at some [...]

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