
About Dr Ramesh Manocha

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So far Dr Ramesh Manocha has created 2067 blog entries.

Why Do Meth Addicts Appear to Age So Rapidly?

By now, most of us have seen the shocking before and after pics of people addicted to methamphetamines. Exactly what is happening inside each cell to cause such striking changes to a person’s face and body? Meth, scientists from the Italian Institute of Technology and UC Irvine say, causes abnormalities in the fat metabolism of [...]

By |2015-02-20T23:04:05+11:00February 20th, 2015|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol, Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Counter the Psychology of Pessimism

It’s the tendency to put more attention, value and weight on negative comments and experience than on the positive. It’s human. We seem to be hardwired to do it. Some theorists suggest that our survival depended on it when we were living in primitive times. People who didn’t stay alert for saber-toothed tigers probably didn’t [...]

3 Critical Ways to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence 

Shutterstock With the discovery of Emotional Intelligence (EI), we now know that your professional success is as much predicated upon your emotional intelligence (and some would even argue more so) than your IQ. Your emotional intelligence is at the core of many, if not all critical "soft skills" that influence most of your [...]

Cerebral Palsy – It Can Be In Your Genes

It has long been the belief that cerebral palsy occurs when a child experiences a lack of oxygen during pregnancy or at birth; however, the Australian Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Research Group, based at the University of Adelaide's Robinson Research Institute, has found at least 14% of cerebral palsy cases are likely caused by a genetic [...]

Heavy Metal Music has Negative Impacts on Youth

Dr McFerran said parents should be aware of their children’s music listening habits, pick up on early warning signs and take early action. “If parents are worried, they should ask their children questions like – how does that music make you feel? If children say the music reflects or mirrors the way they feel then [...]

The 13 Ways to Anti-Age Your Brain

The risk of dementia doubles every five years after the age of 65 in Australia. And whereas before little was  known about this debilitating disease, we now have "some good ideas as to what may be the contributing mechanisms", says Professor Perminder Sachdev, co-director of the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA), UNSW. While there's no [...]

Using an iPad or Smartphone Can Harm A Toddler’s Learning and Social Skills

Children younger than 30 months “cannot learn from television and videos as they do from real-life interactions.” And to use a mobile device before that age on tasks that aren’t educational can be “detrimental to the social-emotional development of the child.” Of particular concern, according to the recommendations, was how such technology could “interfere” with [...]

Free Will is NOT An Illusion

The implications of this debate are profound. It determines our world view of whether we are victims of genetics and environment or bear responsibility for our intentions, decisions, and choices. I contend we are responsible for what we make of our brains and for our choices and decisions in life. In a free-will world, people [...]

Psychology of Food Shaming – Why People Food Shame

Like a vegetarian censuring a meat-eater, a food-shamer will criticize someone who doesn't meet her definition of "good." The weird thing is that her idea of "good" could just as easily be a chia pod or a full-fat, finished-with-butter chocolate pudding—health doesn't seem to matter. via Psychology of Food Shaming - Why People Food Shame.

Harvard Study: Where Does Happiness Really Come From?

“…It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Research proves this advice is scientifically sound. In a recent study from Harvard University, “Prosocial Spending and Happiness: Using Money to Benefit Others Pays Off” researchers looked at the connection between giving and happiness. Their paper clearly establishes a link between spending money on others versus [...]

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