
About Dr Ramesh Manocha

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So far Dr Ramesh Manocha has created 2067 blog entries.

How Do Smartphones Affect Childhood Psychology?

Have you noticed what seems like an epidemic of people who are glued to their smartphone’s soft glow? Unfortunately, you are not alone. Over 1.8 billion people own smartphones and use their devices on a daily basis. Some studies estimate that an average person checks their screen 150 times a day. This widespread use of [...]

5 Ways To Address Rising Depression In Young People

Depression and anxiety are affecting more young people than ever before. According to a study published today by the Office for National Statistics, one in five 16- to 24-year-olds are suffering psychological problems, which is almost the rate at which these are seen in early middle age, the life-stage usually most associated with mental health issues. [...]

Will following Positive Psychology Advice make You Happier and Healthier?

Despite heavily-marketed claims to the contrary, positive psychology interventions do not consistently improve mental or physical health and well-being. The myth that these interventions are efficacious is perpetuated by a mutually-admiring, self-promotional collective that protects its claims from independent peer review and scrutiny. As with the positive psychology intervention literature, it is a quick leap [...]

For Your Mental Health, Get Back In Touch With Nature

Photo: Anu Kumar Research published last year found that people who live in urban areas with more green space tend to report greater wellbeing - less mental distress and higher life satisfaction - than city dwellers who don't have parks, gardens or other green space nearby. A different study followed the experience of [...]

Post-festive Period is Unrecognised Mental Health Dark Spot

I invite you, therefore, as you enter the New Year, to spare a thought about the loved one or colleague who was surprisingly quiet at the last get-together. Has there been a change in their functioning? Are they their usual selves? If not, seek them out a second time, to see whether they may need [...]

Binge Drinking Hampers Immune System in Young Adults

A new study has found that binge drinking in young, healthy adults significantly disrupts the immune system. For the study, researcher Majid Afshar, M.D., M.S.C.R., now at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, had volunteers drink four or five shots of vodka, then took blood samples to measure their immune systems. The researchers found [...]

Half of Dr. Oz’s Medical Advice is Baseless or Wrong, Study Says

“I haven’t seen a doctor in eight years,” the New Yorker quoted one viewer telling Oz. “I’m scared. You’re the only one I trust.” But is that trust misplaced? Or has Oz, who often peddles miracle cures for weight loss and other maladies, mortgaged medical veracity for entertainment value? These questions have hammered Oz for [...]

The latest DrinkWise Ad is a Beer Commercial, Not Public Health Message

There is an art to creating a faux public health ad that, far from damaging your bottom line, actually enhances it. That’s a win for the alcohol industry, but a big loss for the rest of us. So what is wrong with the DrinkWise advertisement? - Michael Thorn is CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and [...]

Politicians Could Provoke Racist Attacks – Alastair Nicholson

Alastair Nicholson, the former Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia, says racial differences have been "exaggerated" as a result of recent troubles in the Middle East. "I think sometimes the weaker people in the community - or more stupid people - react in a very unfortunate way when that happens," - Kristian Silva via [...]

New Research says 10 Million UK Women ‘Depressed’ Over Body Image

Almost 10 million women in the UK have reported that they 'feel depressed’ because of the way they look, according to new research. The study, which coincides with the launch of Body Confidence Week, finds that one in four women feel their body image has held them back from having a fulfilling relationship. Another quarter [...]

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