
About Dr Ramesh Manocha

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So far Dr Ramesh Manocha has created 2067 blog entries.

Flow and the natural high

It’s sometimes referred to as 'flow'. People who have experienced it have described flow this way: “felt easy”, “complete task focus”, ”totally relaxed”, “enjoying experience as it occurs”, “totally absorbed in what I am doing”, “endless supply of energy”, “things happening automatically”, “nothing else enters awareness”, and “leaves you feeling great”. - The Long Run via [...]

Anglicans: Ditch the chaplaincy programme

Public schools should spend  on tackling obesity and promoting wellness and positive psychology rather than the untested chaplaincy program that are in hundreds of the state's schools, the head of Sydney's Anglican Education Commission has argued. - Alexandra Smith via Anglicans: No chaplains, scripture in public schools.

Body size weighs heavily on kids

New research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) shows children are expressing dissatisfaction with their body size as early as 8-9 years old and the majority of 10-11 years old are trying to control their weight. Executive Manager of AIFS' Longitudinal Study for Australian Children, Dr Ben Edwards said the research also showed [...]

Can staying awake all night help combat depression?

Staying awake for more than 24 hours may be the fastest treatment for moderate to major depression. Early research has shown six out of ten patients can get symptom relief within a day of this treatment, compared with the six to eight weeks it can take antidepressants to work. Sleep deprivation is thought to work [...]

Internet pornography is an urgent public health issue, conference hears

Peter Donnelly, professor of public health medicine at St Andrew’s University, Scotland, said that the “very violent and denigrating” nature of much internet pornography was a deep concern. He said, “All males need to think very carefully about their use of pornography, because if there’s no market, you begin to change this. What you hear [...]

Happiness is Overrated

To seek happiness as a permanent state derives from two primitive evolutionary impulses: avoiding pain (which we associate with danger and the risk of death) and seeking gratification (which helps ensure that our genes get passed on). But it also turns out that pain and discomfort are critical to growth, and that achieving excellence depends [...]

5 Crucial Emotional Intelligence Traits Of Highly Effective Leaders

“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” Theodore Roosevelt Over the last decade there has been a huge increase in evidence that emotional intelligence is an important factor in leadership. Numerous studies have shown a positive relationship between emotional intelligent leadership and employee satisfaction, retention and performance. As [...]

Facebook’s Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment- Emotional Contagion

Facebook’s News Feed—the main list of status updates, messages, and photos you see when you open Facebook on your computer or phone—is not a perfect mirror of the world. But few users expect that Facebook would change their News Feed in order to manipulate their emotional state. We now know that’s exactly what happened two [...]

Bigotry And The Racial Discrimination Act

Why does the Racial Discrimination Act matter? Some can forget that almost half of our population is either born overseas or is the son or daughter of someone who was born overseas. So when racism happens, it's something that isn’t marginal. It isn’t something confined to one or two per cent of our population, but [...]

Early Life Stress Could Alter Brain Regions

Children exposed to stress have long-term changes in key brain areas, new study shows. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, early-life stress due to poverty, abuse or neglect can alter brain areas dedicated to learning, memory and emotion. These changes in the brain could lead to future health as well as [...]

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