
About Dr Ramesh Manocha

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So far Dr Ramesh Manocha has created 2067 blog entries.

Reading a novel triggers lasting changes in the brain

Lovers of literature can rejoice: a new study combines the humanities and neuroscience to take a look at what effects reading a novel can have on the brain. Researchers say exploring a book can not only change your perspective, but also it can change your mind - at least for a few days. via Reading [...]

Facebook is ‘dead and buried’, replaced by simpler networks, study finds

A study of how older teenagers use social media has found Facebook is "not just on the slide, it is basically dead and buried" and is being replaced by simpler social networks such as Twitter and Snapchat, an expert has claimed. via Facebook is 'dead and buried', replaced by simpler networks, study finds.

Ian Thorpe, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Matthew Reilly and a very tough day

Consider this: almost twice as many Australians die from suicide each year than die in traffic accidents. Countless more struggle daily with their self-medication and prescribed treatment for mental illness. via Ian Thorpe, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Matthew Reilly and a very tough day.

2014 Gates Annual Letter: Myths About Foreign Aid

By almost any measure, the world is better than it has ever been. People are living longer, healthier lives. Many nations that were aid recipients are now self-sufficient. You might think that such striking progress would be widely celebrated, but in fact, Melinda and I are struck by how many people think the world is [...]

By |2014-02-08T13:31:06+11:00February 4th, 2014|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Binge drinkers continue practice in pregnancy, study finds

More than half of women who binge drink continue to do so during pregnancy, an Australian study has found, with fewer than one in five following guidelines to abstain from alcohol. A study of 1577 women who drank alcohol before becoming pregnant found many did not alter their consumption after conception. Researchers from the University [...]

7 Crippling Parenting Behaviors That Keep Children From Growing Into Leaders

While I spend my professional time now as a career success coach, writer, and leadership trainer, I was a marriage and family therapist in my past, and worked for several years with couples, families, and children. Through that experience, I witnessed a very wide array of both functional and dysfunctional parenting behaviors. As a parent [...]

Ageing Well – Living Healthier

We all become slower and more forgetful as we age, some of us more than others. When this change is accelerated and interferes with a variety of thinking or cognitive abilities and interferes with our day to day functioning, this is diagnosed as dementia, of which the most common type is Alzheimer’s disease. Surveys of [...]

How to stop our boys from becoming bashers

In one of the most important ever studies by a psychologist in the 20th century, James Prescott researched dozens of cultures and found that the degree of violence was directly linked to the amount of affection shown to children. Having our skin needs met in childhood and adolescence means we don’t have the urge to [...]

Big Data Crushes Anti-Vaccination Movement

For years it’s been relatively easy to ignite medical controversy with emotional but often anecdotal evidence. TV is a popular format for doing just that. It’s quick, colorful and dramatic and increasingly in high-def and big-screen. Add a well known celebrity or two and the effects can be powerful, long term and hard to refute. [...]

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