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So far Shridevi has created 348 blog entries.

Stinking Thinking- Why Girls Stress More

It is generally well accepted that females experience greater levels of depression and anxiety than males. This is true, not only during adulthood, but also during adolescence. While there is a range of suggestions as to why – including the idea that ‘men are tough and don’t talk to doctors or psychologists’, recent research offers an important [...]

Teen Sleep Deprivation And The Effect Of Blue Light

A 2014 combined project by Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Manchester and Surrey Universities declared, ‘Society has become supremely arrogant in ignoring the importance of sleep’. The researchers cite living in a 24hour society coupled with technology overuse as part of the issue. The National Sleep Foundation in the US found that more than half of the parents [...]

Beyond Right And Wrong

Four Steps Toward Forgiveness The process of forgiveness can be a liberating experience. One that if practiced proactively can lead to a wonderful experience of life. Interestingly, forgiveness can only occur because we have been given the gift of the ability to make choices. We have the choice to forgive or not to forgive and [...]

Can You Really Buy “Wonderful?”

One of Australia’s biggest stores has re-launched its brand for the first time in a decade. In its new TV advert, Myer has moved away from its “My Store” brand to a new stance that claims it’s time to “find wonderful.” The advert sets up for the punchline by questioning where wonderful went. Remember when [...]

Understanding Depression

Around 450 million people around the world are estimated to have some form of mental health disorder, and one in four people will suffer from mental illness at some time in their life. Depression is a common mental health disorder and it is estimated that 154 million people globally suffer from depression. A 2013 study [...]

Abuse And Neglect: Australia’s Child Protection ‘Crisis’

The tragic death of four-year old Chloe Valentine in South Australia has raised concerns that the state’s child protection system is in crisis. Following a history of abuse and neglect, Chloe’s mother and her partner repeatedly put Chloe on a 50-kilogram motorbike and filmed her crashing into objects. She later died of her injuries. During [...]

Body Image And Negative Self-Talk The Mannequin Project aims to raise awareness about body image and to generally start a new, more positive conversation. Not just reporting on the stats, actually getting to the root of why we (men, women, boys, girls, transgenders etc) are generally dissatisfied with our appearance. We created this video to show how ‘negative self [...]

How To Build Resilience In Schools

              Every year there appears to be another framework, resource or program on offer to assist schools with enhancing student wellbeing. Some are fantastic whilst others make claims that probably warrant further investigation. However, the Victorian Department of Education has released an excellent resource. Entitled Building Resilience: A Model [...]

7 Strategies To Optimise Optimism In Teens – And Why It Matters

"If you can get through year 8 and year 9, you can get through anything." That's a saying I share with students, teachers, and parents alike. These are tough years for many students, and if school is not a positive experience for them, they can feel hopeless. Hopelessness - believing things are bad and are [...]

Getting To Grips With A Growth Mindset

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve written about the concept and benefits of getting into a Growth Mindset. The language of Growth Mindset is filtering into schools and there is a wealth of material, literature and resources that you might like to look at if you’re interested in developing Growth Mindsets in your learning [...]

By |2014-10-10T07:05:21+11:00October 10th, 2014|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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