
About Shridevi

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So far Shridevi has created 348 blog entries.

Getting Into A Growth Mindset

Last week I wrote about the dangers of finding ourselves in what Carol Dweck terms a Fixed Mindset. This week I want to explore the concept of a Growth Mindset a little more. Much of the work I do in schools is around enhancing engagement. Often I’m asked what should ensure all kids and teachers [...]

3 Common Myths About Waterpipe Smoking

By Dr Colin Mendelsohn, Tobacco Treatment Specialist, Sydney Waterpipe smoking is becoming increasingly common among young people in some parts of Australia. However there are many misconceptions about waterpipe use. In the waterpipe (hookah, shisha, narghileh), air is drawn through heated charcoal, then through perforated aluminum foil and moist tobacco (‘Maassel’) in the head [...]

By |2020-11-02T09:59:52+11:00October 2nd, 2014|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , , , |1 Comment

‘Schoolies’, Alcohol And The Teenage Brain: A Toxic Combination

It is that time of the year again…the impending departure of year 12 students from school and the associated ‘rights of passage’ that accompany this departure. In Australia, one ‘right of passage’ is referred to as ‘schoolies’ and the term itself elicits numerous discussion and debates. One of the most controversial issues centres on the [...]

S3x Trafficking Of Australian Children

Film Director Libby Spears Yes it happens. But here’s what we can do … By Melinda Tankard Reist, Author & Speaker Last weekend, the Good Weekend Guide featured the story of a 38-year-old Carrie Bailee who at the age of 9 was sold into a pedophile ring by her father. The article sent [...]

Hands Up If You’re Not A Maths Person!

How old were you when you decided that you weren’t any good at sport? Or that you couldn’t sing? When did you decide that you weren’t a maths person or that you couldn’t draw to save your life? Was it last week? In your late 30s? Early 20s? Late teens? Early teens? In primary school [...]

10 Do’s and Don’ts on Parenting

Some people live their lives looking at the rear-view mirror, regretting the past rather than enjoying the present or anticipating the future. Here are the most frequently mentioned regrets I've heard from parents in my office. 1. Spent too little time with the kids. Overwhelmed with meeting the expectations of so many people, some parents never [...]

Digital Rights Of A Child

What are the rights of the child in the digital space? Just mention the phrase, “Kids Online” and immediately the subject shifts to today’s generation of teens seemingly fused with their phone, gaming console and the net. Experts lament the loss of privacy, while others warn of terrible consequences of spending so much time online. [...]

Parents May Be Putting Their Children On A Path To Drinking

• Parents are the largest supplier of alcohol to under 18s • Teens three times more likely to drink full serves if parents supply Teenagers whose parents supply alcohol in early adolescence are three times as likely to be drinking full serves of alcohol at age 16 as children in families that do not supply [...]

Student Mental Health

An article last week in the Sunday Telegraph attempted to shine a light on the number of student in NSW who are self-harming. According to the article, two students every week are self harming as a result of bullying or mental health issues. I’m of the opinion that this is grossly underestimating the real number. [...]

Judgement Call: Maturity, Emotions, And The Teenage Brain

Generation after generation, one thing parents can count on is being baffled or confused by their children’s behavior. While new generations of teenagers have access to things their parents did not--Google Glass and Apple’s newly announced iWatch could be the smartphones of tomorrow--this does not explain why teenagers, regardless of generation, continue to behave in [...]

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