
About Shridevi

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So far Shridevi has created 348 blog entries.

3 Steps To Prevent Suicide

Following the tragic death of Robin Williams, Lifeline Australia saw a 25% increase in calls. When faced with someone in crisis, many people don’t know what to do, or how to help. Some are concerned about making things worse. This means many people don’t approach the person at all. The person in crisis may feel [...]

Putting Profits Before Health

Can you remember watching Jamie’s School Dinners and being horrified at what UK and US schools were serving up to kids on a daily basis? Can you remember shaking your head in disbelief as school principals, canteen supervisors and local administrators continually argued that healthy food wasn’t financially viable in a school setting? I mean, [...]

The Death Of Privacy

When schools ask me to chat to parents, one of the things I often cover with them is how to – or how not to – use social media. I urge parents not to vent their anger around a school on Facebook as, if we’re being honest, it’s often an issue that has been blown [...]

5 Things Families Can Do To Stop The Rise Of Meth

Recent news of former NSW premier’s daughter Harriet Wran being charged with murder is another illustration of Australia’s growing problem with the drug ice. Wran, who is said to have been battling an ice addiction, has been charged with murder, attempted murder, and breaking and entering while armed with a knife, along with Michael Lee. Another [...]

By |2020-11-02T10:06:23+11:00August 29th, 2014|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , , |3 Comments

Should We Tell Kids Things Don’t Always End “Happy Ever After?”

Lets face it, watching the evening news bulletin rarely makes for cheery viewing, but in the last few months it seems to have been particularly harrowing. Plane crashes, war zones, suicides and urban shootings have seemingly dominated the headlines. As an adult I’ve found it hard to watch. As an educator I’ve found it harder [...]

The Perfect Storm: Alcohol, Drugs, And Depression

Robin Williams’ death earlier this week has unleashed an outpouring of grief. It’s undeniable that Williams brought much joy and laughter to the world, but he also talked openly about his depression and problems with alcohol and cocaine. Depression, alcohol and drug dependence are killers – and they’re indiscriminate killers. It doesn’t matter how wealthy, [...]

Time To Warn Drinkers About The Risk Of Cancer

Australians have become accustomed to labels on cigarettes warning about the risk of smoking causing cancer and other diseases. And our research, published in the latest edition of BMC Public Health, shows similar labels could help consumers better understand the harms of drinking alcohol. Alcohol is estimated to cost the Australian economy A$36 billion a year in preventable [...]

Would You Accept This

Imagine for a second that you arrive to pick you child up from football, netball, a music lesson or even school. Imagine as you get out of the car, all you can hear is the most abhorrent racial, homophobic, sexist or religious-based bullying. I’m assuming you wouldn’t be happy about this. I’m assuming you’d have [...]

Parents Are Having Much Farther Reaching Effects Than They Know

We were pretty good at keeping computers and televisions out of bedrooms, but as technology developed we somehow missed that phones and tablets ARE computers. One of the main conversations I have with parents is about their exhaustion at parenting with so many devices in the home. Parents feel out of control. At my seminars [...]

Calling Out To The Gen Next community!

2014 circuit evaluation   Our Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People seminar circuit has drawn to a close for 2014! So thank you to everyone who managed to join us this year! We had a brilliant time out on the road and we feel very proud about the quality of our 2014 circuit, and [...]

By |2014-08-12T15:44:52+10:00August 12th, 2014|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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