
About Shridevi

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So far Shridevi has created 348 blog entries.

Resilience and Girls Over the past year, Resilient Youth Australia has surveyed 18,156 young Australian females in years 3 to 12 to gain a picture of their resilience. This paper is written to help you think about ways to build upon the strengths of girls and young women as well as addressing their areas of [...]

Storytelling for the Elephant in the Room, Stockphoto Stories are everywhere. They draw people together and hold an enormous capacity to evoke connection and create change. It is how humans interact and has been our main source of passing on knowledge for more than 27,000 years. We are wired to think in narrative and make decisions based on cause [...]

Debunking the Ice Epidemic

The ice epidemic! New stories, new perspectives every day in the news. But what is really happening? Are we facing an ice epidemic? I want to begin by highlighting the truths and myths of ice use in Australia. Let’s start with the latest research. According to the 2013 National Drug Strategy Household Survey, 2.1% of [...]

Media Violence – Busting the Myths!, Istockphoto The American Psychological Association has just released a review of the research on the impact of playing violent video games. Contrary to what the mass media, the gaming industry and many gamers would have us believe, the jury is still not out on whether ongoing exposure to violent video games poses [...]

Grunts and Eye Rolls, Finding a Better Way to Communicate

Comstock/Thinkstock Sometimes it can be very frustrating communicating with an adolescent. The old saying "It's not what you say, it's how you say it" is particularly relevant when dealing with adolescents. Not only are they undergoing huge personal physical, social, psychological and emotional change, but communication patterns are also undergoing a transformation. This [...]

Supporting a Friend, Supporting Yourself Grief comes in many shapes and sizes – but we all experience it throughout our lives. Change, bullying, anxiety, abuse of any kind, loss and trauma can all have their associated grief. Grief can lead young people to: a loss of self-confidence (I must be a bad person for this to happen to me); feelings [...]

Children Exposed to ‘Toxic Stress’ More Likely to Develop Illnesses as Adults, Royal Commission Told

ACF - Infants and young children exposed to "toxic stress" from dysfunctional homes are more likely to develop cardiac disease and other physical illnesses as adults, the family violence Royal Commission was told on Wednesday. And addressing the impact of early childhood stress and trauma, the commission was told, was the most [...]

Gorgeous to Grumpy – Motivating Early Teens

Photo by Bevan Gold Swain/Thinkstock - In his 2008 review of Middle Years literature, Dr David Smith identified five key principles to engage and motivate this 10-15 year age group: Relationships Relevance Rigour Resilience Responsibility ...but what does this mean in real and practical terms? This is an age group distinguished by [...]

Helping Young People Discover and Build Resilience

Families - 2014 IStockphoto Often when young people are experiencing difficult times in their lives they cannot believe that good times will come again. They often forget that they have even had some good times in the past. Adults working with young people need to share some of their own life stories to illustrate that [...]

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