
About Shridevi

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So far Shridevi has created 348 blog entries.

When Bereavement Touches a School

Schools are unique and vital communities within suburbs, towns, and cities across Australia. Like all communities, relationships in schools are woven together with complex connections at a range of levels – between students, students and teachers, teachers and executive staff, teachers and families. Death touches all communities and schools are not immune. It is estimated [...]

The Problem with Conflict in Schools

Conflict is a part of everyday life in schools. According to research teachers report that conflict behaviour is increasing and a threat to effective learning. When children learn constructive conflict resolution skills, conflict can become an opportunity to learn more about themselves, others and create harmonious schools. Just as children come to school with a [...]

Managing Life Transitions

Many transitions, large and small, occur at the beginning of the calendar year in Australia. Children start primary school for the first time and young people may start high school, their senior secondary years, or further study. Family relocations due to work or study may take place over the long summer break, and new jobs [...]

Eating Disorders and Online Resources for Young People

Eating disorders have a significant and underestimated impact on Australian society. They occur in individuals of any gender, age, cultural or socioeconomic background. While estimates of the incidence of eating disorders vary between countries and studies, there is consensus that eating disorders, disordered eating and body image issues affect approximately 9% of the population and [...]

The Legal Duty of Care around Online Issues

My Problem, Your Problem, Our Problem. Let’s face it; the Internet is here to stay as are all the associated devices that provide us with instant connectivity 24/7. Whilst there are numerous benefits that come with technology use, there are also many things that can go wrong. Often a young person’s technical skill far outweighs their cognitive development, which means that they are [...]

Supporting Young People in Crisis 

It is not uncommon for young people to feel overwhelmed and like they are unable to cope with what life has thrown at them. This is when they often come to the attention of teachers, school counsellors or health professionals – when they are in some sort of crisis. The crisis can be precipitated by [...]

Novel Forms of ‘Smoking’: ‘Shisha’ and E-cigarettes

Since the introduction of national tobacco prevention programmes in the 1980s, Australia has experienced declining rates of youth smoking, with the latest figures showing that only 3.4% of 12-17 year-olds smoke daily.  Across the wider population we have seen a dramatic shift in the way most Australians regard smoking. Recently, however, novel ways of smoking have come onto the scene which challenge some of the [...]

Communication is Key 

In 1980, 11.2 million people used a mobile phone. In 1990, 12.4 million people used a mobile phone. In 2002, 1.2 billion people had a mobile phone… And in 2014, 4.55 billion people used a mobile phone. That’s over 69% of the world population. We use them not only to speak to one another, but [...]

Challenging the Violence Supportive Attitudes of Our Young People

We should be worried about our teenagers. The scary facts are that one in six 12-24 year olds think “women should know their place”, and one in three think that ‘exerting control over someone isn’t a form of violence’. These are some of the findings from a survey of over 3000 young men and women, which also [...]

Gorgeous to Grumpy – The Developing Teen

Have you found yourself standing in front of a 12 or 13 year old wondering "Who on earth are you?" Whether we are the parent, the teacher, the coach.....whoever.......we are often left to scratch our head and consider where we went wrong. Almost overnight it seems this gorgeous 12 or 13 year old has transformed into a grumpy, [...]

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