Nurturing Young Minds

Edited by Dr Ramesh Manocha & Gyongyi Horvath
To read the full chapter go to Volume 2, chapter 18, pp. 267-280.


Madhavi Nawana Parker

Author, Social and Emotional literacy programs

Madhavi Nawana Parker is a published author of social and emotional literacy programs. She has co-authored three books with Mark Le Messurier. Madhavi and Mark’s social skills program is used across the globe to teach social-emotional literacy to young people. Madhavi’s latest book, The Resilience and Wellbeing Toolbox: A guide for educators and health professionals, was published in 2017. Madhavi’s weekly tips and framework for encouraging relationships based on social-emotional literacy and resilience in young people can be found on Facebook and Twitter at ‘Solutions for kids’. Madhavi speaks regularly to parents, teachers and health professionals on the topics of resilience, anxiety, positive discipline and social-emotional wellbeing.


Getting along with others and knowing how to handle difficult feelings leads to healthier friendships, contributing to stronger mental health and wellbeing. Social and emotional literacy skills include empathy, self-awareness, reciprocity and coping with emotions constructively.

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Bounce Back:

Caring School Community:

Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning:

Connected Families, Strong Schools:

Friendly Kids, Friendly Classrooms:

Friendly Schools and Families:

Michelle Garcia Winner:

Mark Le Messurier:

Play is the Way:

Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP):

Rock and Water Program:

Seasons for Growth:

Stop Think Do Social Skills Training:

The Peer Support Program:

The Resilience and Wellbeing Toolbox:

What’s the Buzz? A social skills enrichment program:

You Can Do It Education:

Baumeister, R & Tierney, J, 2012, Willpower: Rediscovering the greatest human strength, Penguin Books, USA.

Hattie, J, 2013, Visible Learning for Teachers : Maximizing Impact on Learning, Routledge, London.

Le Messurier, M & Nawana Parker, M, 2014, Archie’s Big Book of friendship adventures: A guide to solving social hitches and friendship glitches, available:

Manocha, R (Ed), 2017, Growing Happy, Healthy Young Minds: Generation Next, Hachette Australia, Sydney.

Moore, GA, Cohn, JF & Campbell, SB, 2001, ‘Infant affective responses to mother’s still face at 6 months differentially predict externalising behaviours at 18 months’, Developmental Psycholog y 37, pp 706–714.

Siegel, DJ & Bryson, TP, 2012, The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, Survive Everyday Parenting Struggles, and Help Your Family Thrive, Bantam, USA.

Werner, EE & Smith, RS, 2001, Journeys from childhood to midlife. Risk, resilience, and recovery, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.

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