Society & Culture

Guns in America

We have to take another look at gun control. I have no problem with most guns; however, I fail to understand how we can rationalize the widespread availability of assault weapons. These are weapons of mass destruction designed to kill people — a lot of people. The arguments against some reasonable limits on these guns [...]

By |2013-04-07T23:14:25+10:00April 7th, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

C’mon – Use your strength!

On Saturday, I gave a talk at the First Australian Positive Education Conference. One of the key themes that all speakers, and workshop facilitators spoke about was that of character strengths. 24 Character Strengths were identified by Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson as being valued across all cultures, races and religions.   Each of us [...]

Doctors want to redefine autism

The first time in nearly two decades, experts want to rewrite the definition of autism. Some parents fear that if the definition is narrowed, their children may lose out on special therapies. via Doctors want to redefine autism; parents worried - Times Union.

Daily stresses take toll on long-term mental health

Emotional responses to the stresses of daily life may predict our long-term mental health, which means getting worked up by everyday irritations can often lead to mood disorders down the line. The research, which appears online in the journal Psychological Science, suggests that maintaining emotional balance is crucial to avoiding severe mental health problems later. [...]

How can 13kg in a week not be enough?

I’ve never really watched much of the Channel 10 show, “The Biggest Loser.” However I’ve seen enough to question how it could be that a contestant who lost 13kg IN A WEEK could be berated by the trainers for not being “fair dinkum.” Questions were raised about his effort in training, his adherence or otherwise [...]

Girl mag Watch Dolly April 2013

I think Dolly may be improving (if only it would drop the model search!) Forty eight pages into Dolly’s April issue and I was beginning to wonder if there was anything worth commenting on. Yes there was a promotion of the Dolly model search, but I’d already gone to town on that in the last [...]

Schools pay millions for material free on net

SCHOOLS are paying millions of dollars to use freely available internet resources under ''draconian'' copyright laws that have failed to keep pace with digital learning. Schools spend almost $56 million a year under a compulsory licence to copy material such as books and journals without permission from the copyright owner. But an unintended consequence of [...]

Instilling gratitude instead of entitlement in children

Q. Aren't we born grateful? Why do kids need to learn this? A. No. Most of us are actually born feeling entitled to our parents' care. That means that if we don't teach kids gratitude and practice it with them, they grow up feeling entitled, and entitlement does not lead to happiness. On the contrary, [...]

By |2013-04-02T21:20:00+11:00April 2nd, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Countries that consume the most milk win the most Nobel Prizes

Winners of the Indianapolis 500 drink milk to celebrate their victory; perhaps winners of the Nobel Prizes do the same after receiving a congratulatory phone call from Stockholm.  That’s one theory to explain why countries in which people drink the most milk, per capita, also win the most Nobel Prizes, per capita, according to a [...]

By |2013-04-02T21:18:58+11:00April 2nd, 2013|Categories: Science & Research, Society & Culture|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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