Society & Culture

GetYaHeadRight Film Competition Announcement

The GetYaHeadRight Film Competition has now closed, thanks for your entries everyone! We have received so many great films! The panel of judges will have a hard time choosing the winners. Special Announcement Introducing the Peoples’ Choice Award Have your say! Now it’s your time to choose the best film! View all the Secondary School [...]

By |2012-11-12T11:39:41+11:00November 9th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Culture of Misogyny

What germ have colleges contracted to produce such a rank, diseased culture? What is wrong with the overly-privileged? How can violence and abuse be so widespread yet NEVER punished? And why are the old boys’ networks so intent on protecting criminality? Given that you can’t really fault those charming neo-Gothic buildings, let’s start with the [...]

The Virtuous Cycle

(Genuine) Engagement & Wellbeing enhance achievement, yet how many schools pursue achievement at the expense of engagement and wellbeing?   The following is an extract from my recently published manifesto, “Still Trying to Find X”.   It is essential that we create a Virtuous Cycle for all students in our schools.   The Virtuous Cycle relies on having positive relationships at its heart or [...]

Kids With Stressed-Out Parents Eat More Fast Food

Stress in parents may contribute to obesity in their kids, and as parental stress rises the kids are more likely to eat fast food, a new study finds. The research has caveats. It doesn't definitively prove that kids put on more pounds when they live with stressed-out adults. And, oddly, the study found that kids [...]

The mythic origins of star wars and the matrix

In 1949 Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) made a big splash in the field of mythology with his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces. This book built on the pioneering work of German anthropologist Adolph Bastian (1826-1905), who first proposed the idea that myths from all over the world seem to be built from the same [...]

Fat chance this will work – and they know it

WeightWatchers served up a super-sized offering of hypocrisy with the launch of its Plate of Our Nation campaign. Earlier this month the diet company teamed up with the chef and co-host of My Kitchen Rules, Pete Evans, to launch what it calls a ''national movement'' to ''investigate the root causes of Australia's growing obesity problem [...]

By |2012-11-05T11:42:18+11:00November 5th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

5 tips for forgiveness: empowering children to deal with anger

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Gandhi. A lot is written about youth angst and displays of aggression, however the tools needed to help them deal with anger, their own and other peoples, is not very often addressed. One of the most important aspects of empowering a child to [...]

Why the Taliban are afraid of educated women and girls

Given that the Taliban is in the midst of what they claim is a ‘holy war’ against both the US and their own government, it may seem baffling that they would continue to spend time threatening teenage girls. Two weeks after they shot schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai in the head (along with two of her classmates) [...]

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