Society & Culture

4 foundation stones to building positive thinking and resilience

Is your cup half empty or half full? Experts say that it is not so much what happens to us but what we think about what happens to us that determines how we feel. This is important when teaching children resilience and how to handle life’s challenges. Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist and Generation [...]

Tips on how to protect children from impacts of media exposure

As with most things; moderation and having regard to its content are key factors in protecting children from the impacts of media exposure.  Mr Wayne Warburton, editor of “Growing Up Fast and Furious” and Right2Childhood seminar speaker has out lined some very helpful tips that will reduce the negative risks associated with exposing children to [...]

Exercise Boosts School Performance for Kids With ADHD

A few minutes of exercise a day can help children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do better at school, according to a small new study. The findings suggest that exercise could provide an alternative to drug treatment. While drugs have proven largely effective in treating children with ADHD, many parents and doctors are concerned about the [...]

7 Simple Parenting Strategies That Work

If you’re a parent, then you are likely interested in finding ways to interact with your child or children that create a strong relationship, foster positive behavior, and respond to behavioral problems. Take a look at any bookstore and the shelves will be full of advice. But figuring out which strategies are actually effective can [...]

Tips to give teenagers on low risk drinking

90% of students have tried alcohol by the age of 14* With schoolies week fast approaching and the planning of wild parties to celebrate the end of exams well underway, it is a good time for parents and carers to remind young people about low risk drinking.  It is important for young people to always [...]

What do you Expect?

For the most part, I believe that kids tend to rise or fall based on the expectations of the adults in their life. Last year, I was reminded of the book, 'Pygmalion in the Classroom' when I attended a workshop by James Nottingham. The book describes an experiment carried out in a US elementary school to test this [...]

Science Reveals the Power of a Handshake

New neuroscience research is confirming an old adage about the power of a handshake: strangers do form a better impression of those who proffer their hand in greeting. A firm, friendly handshake has long been recommended in the business world as a way to make a good first impression, and the greeting is thought to [...]

Study ties happiness, eating fruits and vegetables

Want to be happy? Eat more servings of fruit and vegetables a day. That’s what a study of the eating habits of 80,000 Britons appears to show. University of Warwick and Dartmouth College scientists used seven measures of well-being: life satisfaction, self-reported health, happiness, nervousness and feeling low, mental well-being and mental disorders in an [...]

Youth increasingly narcissistic says psychologist Jean Twenge

Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University, said a study she conducted of 16,000 university students across the US showed 30 per cent were narcissistic in psychological tests, compared with 15 per cent in 1982. ''They are all 18 and 19-year-olds, so this is clearly a generational shift,'' she said. via Youth [...]

By |2012-10-15T12:29:47+11:00October 15th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Indians in the UK are the happiest ethnic group

David Cameron rates the idea of measuring happiness, and from the Office for National Statistics we learn that, when asked the question, Indians and those of Indian descent in the UK emerge the happiest. They number about 1.4 million – our largest visible minority – and on average, they rate life satisfaction as 7.5 out [...]

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