Society & Culture

Indians in the UK are the happiest ethnic group

David Cameron rates the idea of measuring happiness, and from the Office for National Statistics we learn that, when asked the question, Indians and those of Indian descent in the UK emerge the happiest. They number about 1.4 million – our largest visible minority – and on average, they rate life satisfaction as 7.5 out [...]

Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want to Be Sexy | Self-Sexualization is on the rise

Most girls as young as 6 are already beginning to think of themselves as sex objects, according to a new study of elementary school-age kids in the Midwest. Researchers have shown in the past that women and teens think of themselves in sexually objectified terms, but the new study is the first to identify self-sexualization [...]

Doping in Education

In last week’s newsletter I wrote about the sense of relief that students feel upon the completion of their studies and how the media exacerbates this by reporting on the HSC every day.   You can set your watch by it can’t you? Seriously.   Well, twenty-four hours before NSW student sat for their first [...]


One of the big 'buzz' terms in education today is 'parent engagement'; one of the most misunderstood terms in education today is 'parent engagement'! So, what is 'parent engagement' and how does it affect our children's learning and wellbeing? Harris and Goodall (2007) concluded that many schools 'involve' parents in the day to day running [...]

ADHD pills become latest study aid

HSC students are taking illegally obtained prescription medication used to treat ADHD to help cram for their final school exams, which start tomorrow. The Sun-Herald spoke to students from five schools across Sydney last week who admitted to using the medication, saying it improved their focus during study. But medical experts warn that they are [...]

Taliban Shoot Teen Education Activist

An attempt by the Taliban to kill a 14-year old girl, famous for speaking out against the Islamic militants and their attacks on girls' education, has triggered a wave of national revulsion in Pakistan. Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck while she sat with classmates on a school bus as it prepared [...]

By |2012-10-15T11:32:02+11:00October 10th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |3 Comments

You’ve got to move it move it: tips that will make kids move

With screen time (computer, TV, online games, iPad, mobiles, etc) taking up more and more of children’s time and attention it is important that they are encouraged to burn off excess energy by getting up and out. They should aim to ‘move it move it’ and engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes [...]

The HSC Experience

As Year 12 students across Australia prepare for their final school examinations, it will be interesting to note how the media reports the reaction of the students after each subject exam.   In NSW, the Sydney Morning Herald reports daily on the exams of the previous day, citing teachers, students and parents as to whether [...]

By |2012-10-09T14:10:05+11:00October 9th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |1 Comment

10 minute activist- Decent Australia says enough is enough- Help Alan Jones and 2GB get the message!

What has in fact happened in the last week has been the rise of decent Australia saying enough is enough. And yes, sponsors like Gerry Harvey have publicly worried that by withdrawing from the Jones program they are taking part in a lynch mob, but they misunderstand. What you are actually doing, Mr Harvey, is [...]

By |2012-10-09T13:02:14+11:00October 7th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , |2 Comments

The Parenting Minefield That is Social Media

Every child is just one decision away from making a mistake.  As parents, we hope to help them avoid these mistakes by teaching responsibility – but, errors in judgment are an important part of the learning process on the road to adulthood. Unfortunately, the Internet introduces new challenges in parenting.  Now, in the blink of [...]

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