Society & Culture

Sugary drinks to be phased out in ACT schools

Soft drinks, fruit juice and flavoured milk will be phased out of ACT primary schools within five years if the ACT Government is re-elected in October. Chief Minister Katy Gallagher has announced a $500,000 fund to install water bottle refill stations and supply reusable bottles to government and non-government primary schools, high schools and colleges. [...]

10 minute activist: Reality is beautiful; tell Cleo to stop airbrushing images

Jessica Barlow, a 20 your old student in Melbourne has got the ball rolling by setting up a petition to demand that magazines like Cleo and Cosmopolitan stop altering the images they feature in photo spreads because of the damage it can cause to young girls by increasing any body image issues that they might [...]

Elmo stickers may sway kids’ food choices

For children who turn up their noses at fruits and vegetables, slapping a cartoon face on a healthy snack may make those choices more appealing, according to a U.S. study. Researchers, whose findings appeared in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, discovered that when elementary school students were offered apples and cookies with lunch, [...]

Big tobacco shifts its sights to Asia

While much of the industrialized world has seen a big drop in the number of smokers, the opposite is true of many emerging and developing markets in Asia. Health officials are concerned. Big tobacco companies like big numbers, and they're finding them in Asia, with the world's largest and fastest growing population. Take China with [...]

Film review: Bully

Bully is so heartbreaking and so enraging it is easy to believe the problem is cultural: an American disease that germinates in that country's radical and peculiar history, based on gun violence, the Bible and the stain of slavery. All of those things might be true, and Lee Hirsch's award-winning documentary gives plenty of room [...]

By |2012-08-25T10:38:22+10:00August 23rd, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Facebook to remove content that incite violence, hate speech

In the backdrop of appeals by India to remove hate posts, world's largest social networking website Facebook today said it will remove content, block pages or even disable accounts of those users who upload contents that incite violence or perpetuate hate speech. Comprehending the gravity, Facebook's stern warning to its users comes in the wake [...]

Spending Time With Parents Boosts Social Skills and Confidence in Teens

As children grow up, they become increasingly distant from their parents and while some parents think that the dwindling time spent with their teenager is simply a sign of their child's budding independence and evolution into adulthood, new findings suggest that private parents-child encounters during the time of adolescence are especially important for an individual's [...]

Biggest health problem facing US kids

Lack of exercise tops the list of the biggest concerns about kids' health, according to a new survey of American adults. The plight of young couch potatoes outranked teen pregnancy and drug abuse as problems that adults are concerned about, according to the survey. Not getting enough exercise was ranked a "big problem" by 39 [...]

The psychology of spending

Neuroscientists have shown that we are lied to by our own brains. Take wine. Taste tests are commonly undertaken ''blind'', that is, the tasters are either blindfolded or the bottle is wrapped in a brown paper bag. This practice recognises our propensity to judge a drop by its cover. But why do we do it?Are [...]

By |2012-08-25T11:28:20+10:00August 21st, 2012|Categories: Science & Research, Society & Culture|Tags: , , |2 Comments

Teen girl mag watch: Girlfriend, August 2012

A significant intervention at a critical time in the conversation and about girls, sexualisation and sexuality Girlfriend August 2012 Melinda Tankard Reist Ok, firstly, a disclosure. I’m going to open with some praise for a Girlfriend which, naturally, you the reader could be tempted to think is just because I’m quoted in it and the [...]

By |2012-08-25T11:31:25+10:00August 20th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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