Society & Culture

Bubble Wrap Kids

An incisive piece by Janet Albrechtsen on how current trends to protect children from even mild emotional or physical challenges sets them up for profound difficulties in adult life. In the "all must have prizes" era, merit cards are awarded to children by well-meaning teachers for the most mundane things. At the age of five or six, my son [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:16:41+10:00December 28th, 2011|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: |0 Comments

The Link Between Education and Wellbeing Begins in Early Childhood

research has established links between a lack of development of skills such as motivation and self-confidence in childhood and levels of criminal activity, teenage pregnancy and underachievement in education and employment later in life via When the best start in life turns out to be an early start.

The silent state of student suicides

The 2011 HSC results have just come out. For many it is the culmination of 2 years of hard work and a ticket to the university place of their dreams. For others it is a sore disappointment, with scores not high enough to win them that prized place. Kids with good resilience skills [...]

Australian develops app to help manage eating disorders

Image Source: Sydney Morning Herald The world of online apps is not just a playground for games and music. It also has a serious side that is beginning to have a positive effect within our community.  Australians are turning their attention to social needs and creating apps that help people. This includes Sydney [...]

A parent’s dilemma: All they want for Christmas is an iPad

20% of parents use a mobile devise to keep their child entertained* This year parents are under increasing pressure to buy their child an electronic device for Christmas. Even pre-schoolers are asking for the latest interactive media. Yet at $600 a pop, iPhones, iPads and iPods are not toys. So what dilemmas might [...]

Psychological Impact of Bratz Dolls

As christmas approaches toymakers have ramped up advertising, and children are turning their attention to their wish list. Sexualised dolls such as Bratz and Barbies are very attractive to young girls but underneath the bright colours and glitter these dolls convey a more subtly damaging message to their owners. Psychologists are genuinely concerned about the potential [...]

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