Society & Culture

Book Review: Big Porn Inc

Big Porn Inc, recently published by Spinifex Press and written by Melinda Tankard Reist puts the spotlight on our harm of the growing porn culture. It features essays by prominent writers and anti-porn activists including Gail Dines, Maggie Hamilton, Helen Pringle, and others.   The essays cover a wide array of issues connected to the porn [...]

Consumer pressure forces Topman to pull T-shirts endorsing domestic violence

  Picture: Topman Source:   British clothing line Topman Design has taken two T-shirts out of production following a public outcry that claims they endorse and promote domestic abuse and sexism. Consumers condemned one of the T-shirts for showing a list of excuses that could be used as justification for hitting women. Buyers said [...]

In the world of children’s pageants hookers and implants are cute

The world of children’s pageants have put a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘let’s play children’s dress ups”. It seems that some mother’s think their little girls would rather be dressed up with fake boobs or as prostitutes rather than Snow White, an angel or a fairy. In the US recently a mother entered [...]

Learning ability and self control compromised after children watch TV

A recent study, The Immediate Impact of Different Types of Television on Young Children's Executive Function, took 60 four year old children and randomly assigned them to watch either the fast paced and hectic cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants or the slower-paced PBS cartoon Caillou or to draw pictures. Experts have long felt that exposing children to [...]

Top tips for Fathers: how to create a loving relationship with your daughter

Fathers play an important role in the lives of their daughters. Although many fathers might feel a bit intimidated by the idea of spending quality parenting time with their daughters (after all what have they got in common with them when sport is not on the agenda?). However research has shown that the protection, guidance, [...]

Australia’s Top Model is a bully

It is a case of the media not being sensitive to, or taking responsibility for the impact they have on their viewers, especially young impressionable girls. This time it is the case of a teenage model, who is appearing on Australia’s Top Model, being bullied by the judges for being too fat. Yet this young [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:26:29+10:00September 9th, 2011|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , |0 Comments

We are naturally empathetic

It seems that everyone, young and old, is innately programmed for sociability, attachment, affection and companionship rather than for aggression, violence and self-interest. These emotions are naturally within us all and not just feelings that we learn through the society and culture in which we live. This is the ‘natural way of things’ according to [...]

TV is killing us

Every hour of TV watched by the over 25’s could shorten their life by 22 minutes. A recent study carried out in Australia and published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has found that watching too much television could shorten your life. Dr Lennert Veerman, from the School of Population Health at the University [...]

Meditation takes the stress out of work

Listen to a recent ABC Radio interview with Dr Ramesh Manocha where he talks about how meditation can be a stress buster. Meditation takes the stress out of work. Fulltime workers who used a traditional ‘silent’ form of meditation became much less stressed and depressed compared to more conventional approaches to relaxation or even placebo, according to [...]

A night of sex, strippers and booze; just harmless fundraising fun!

The Highfields Rugby League Club in Queensland has come under fire for running a fundraising evening with the theme of "Porn and Prawn". The event, held at Cabarlah Community Hall, included strippers, prostitutes and alcohol. The Queensland Rugby League is furious that the event was allowed to happen and have asked the club to explain [...]

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