Society & Culture

Three Reasons to Get Stress Levels in Check in 2018

It’s difficult not to get stressed in our fast-paced lives. Whether you’re working overtime, battling exams, or caring for a sick relative, chronic stress has become commonplace. When we’re acutely stressed, the fight-or-flight system jumps into action, sending a surge of adrenaline through the body. This product of evolution dramatically increases our reaction speed and [...]

The Many Benefits For Teenagers to Have Jobs

If your teenager heads back to school next year, you might be already thinking about what after-school activities they’re going to do. Footy? Netball? Soccer? Recent research shows that another option — adolescent work experience — can pay big dividends later in life. Many schools and parents push children to engage in excessive after-school activities. [...]

Perfectionism Destroying Mental Health of Millennial Generation

It began at school, with A-star expectations and a horror of failure. Now we’re on social media platforms, locked into a game of mutually assured depression. During many job interviews, it’s common to be asked: “What’s your biggest weakness?” It’s a horrible question to respond to on the spot. We know it’s a trick, and [...]

By |2018-01-08T15:04:14+11:00January 8th, 2018|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

13 Weird Ways to Get Children to Sleep

Exhausted after Christmas and the new year? Are you craving a few more hours in bed? Are you a parent whose sleepless children are leaving you a sleep-starved wreck? These days in early January are claimed as the darkest days for sleep deprivation. The modern barometer for such moments - the number of Google searches [...]

New Year’s Resolutions for Better Mental Health

Every new year we set about making New Year’s resolutions. Usually they’re related to our physical health: going on a diet, joining a gym or drinking less. But what about our mental health? Mental health is central to every part of our lives: how we interact with loved ones, how productive we are at work, [...]

The Mental Health of Donald Trump

“We write as mental health professionals who have been deeply concerned about Donald Trump’s psychological aberrations,” the statement read.“We believe that he is now further unraveling in ways that contribute to his belligerent nuclear threats. ... We urge that those around him, and our elected representatives in general, take urgent steps to restrain his behavior [...]

By |2018-04-30T16:37:29+10:00January 5th, 2018|Categories: Society & Culture|1 Comment

Parents Giving Children Alcohol Too Young, Researchers Say

Parents could be storing up problems for their children by introducing them to alcohol too young and ordering takeaways too often, researchers warn. Two universities found that one in six parents gives their children alcohol by the age of 14, when their body and brain are not yet fully developed. Many parents may believe they are [...]

Former Facebook Exec Says Social Media Destroying Society

A former Facebook executive is making waves after he spoke out about his "tremendous guilt" over growing the social network, which he feels has eroded "the core foundations of how people behave by and between each other." Chamath Palihapitiya began working for Facebook in 2007 and left in 2011 as its vice president for user [...]

Teachers Call For Ban On Energy Drinks

One of Britain’s leading teaching unions is calling for schools to be banned from selling energy drinks to children aged under 16 due to the large amount of caffeine they contain. The National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) is describing the drinks as “readily available legal highs” that can cause headaches and palpitations, [...]

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