Society & Culture

The Tragic Truth: Why Regional Kids Are Taking Their Lives

Regional youth are unable to access needed mental health services despite higher rates of mental illness and suicide than their city cousins. A Griffith University study revealed 142 regional Queenslanders aged between 15 and 24 years killed themselves between 2011 and 2013. The study found in regional areas 18 people aged 15-24 died for every [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:33:02+11:00November 6th, 2017|Categories: Depression, Mental Illness, Society & Culture, Suicide|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

beyondblue App Helps Keep Exam Stress At Bay

All through her VCE year, Emma Missen felt like she was drowning. A high achiever, Ms Missen had won a scholarship to her private school and felt under pressure to perform well in the exams. Those close to her knew what she was going through, but most friends at school had no clue. "I think it would [...]

Three Proven Psychological Treatments for Young People That Need to be Funded

From the first of November Australians living in rural and remote areas will be eligible to receive Medicare rebates for psychological treatments delivered in part via video conferencing. This is a step in the right direction, but there are still psychological treatments we know work, that remain unfunded. Under the “Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative” [...]

“Discuss Own Struggles With Mental Health” – One Teacher’s Extraordinary Story

In October 2010, Tom Rogers, a head of history and acclaimed Tes columnist, travelled down to Cardiff to hear a speech by the then Welsh education secretary Leighton Andrews. "I was sat at a table with a number of my colleagues who’d made the trip. I can’t remember a thing that Leighton said in a [...]

Teaching Mindfulness and Empowering Children

As much as teachers do all that they can to make their classrooms a place of comfort and security, for some students the school environment can be a stressful one. For a whole gamut of reasons, at some stage during their time spent at school, most kids experience some kind of school-related anxiety. Whether it [...]

Focusing on Mental Health of Young Workers

Mental health of young workers was the focus this week as the NSW Government, Safework NSW, UNSW and the Mental Health Commission of NSW joined forces to host a series of forums titled ‘Let’s talk Young Workers’ Mental Health Collaboration.’ Minister for Better Regulation Matt Kean said SafeWork NSW is co-hosting along with the university, and [...]

Mandurah Headspace One Step Closer For Youth at Risk

A new headspace centre for Mandurah is one step closer, with the tender process to run an early intervention mental health service for 12 to 25-year-olds now open. WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA), the peak planning and commissioning body for primary health care services in WA, is seeking applications from potential service providers to run [...]

By |2017-10-30T16:14:05+11:00October 30th, 2017|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Youngtown Primary School Gets a Lesson in Resilience

Teachers, parents and students at Youngtown Primary School had a lesson in resilience this week in an effort to improve student relationships, learning capabilities and well-being. Educational consultant, John Hendry OAM from Geelong Grammer, conducted sessions focused on forgiveness, hope, integrity, compassion and trust, to help the school develop their strategy towards empowerment measures. On Thursday Mr [...]

Building Student Confidence and Self-Esteem

Online learning environments have been a game changer for Australian distance educators whose ‘classrooms’ cover thousands of square kilometres, but it’s more than just a case of being able to reach isolated areas. The technology is also allowing teachers to provide one-to-one support and immediate feedback to students who are struggling with issues such as [...]

‘Why Do You Take Those Pills, Mummy?’

Every morning, I get up. I shower, brush my teeth, prepare lunch boxes and school uniforms. Then I take my medication. It's an ingrained routine that I could do in my sleep – a streamlined process that ensures everyone's out the door on time and my sanity is in check, my bipolar disorder held at [...]

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