Society & Culture

Are You Hearing Me?

Giving someone your full attention in conversation isn’t easy, but it is a skill we can practice and hone. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with somebody who wasn’t listening to you? Could you tell? Have you ever seen yourself nodding and smiling during a conversation while in your mind you were landing [...]

Raising A Child Is Mission Impossible. That’s Why It Takes A School

The fundamental role of a teacher is not to deliver information but to make kids feel like they are important, and have an adult who will never give up on them. When my first child was born, I didn’t realise I was signing up for Mission Impossible. Even as my daughter grew into a toddler [...]

5 Ideas Of What Dreams Actually Are

If you’ve ever been befuddled by a dream, take heart: You’re following a 4,000-year tradition of confusion. Over that time, humanity — in the form of religion, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience — has actually come to somewhat understand what exactly the mind is doing in its slumbering states. To that end, here are five of the [...]

Technology Is Diminishing Us

Have you found yourself checking email at dinner, or skipping from book to screen, unable to focus? The closer the world gets to our fingertips, the more we stand to lose. Psychologists who study empathy and compassion are finding that, unlike our almost instantaneous responses to physical pain, it takes time for the brain to [...]

Want To Raise Empowered Girls? Start Early

Don’t try to be perfect Girls’ desire to please can backfire. Rachel Simmons, author of “The Curse of the Good Girl: Raising Authentic Girls With Courage and Confidence,” explains that when girls focus on winning approval, they shy away from risks. “If you’re a quintessential good girl, you experience failing as letting someone down. Instead [...]

Kids Now Spending More Time Online Than Watching Television

Children now spend more time on the internet than watching television, according to a survey of young Australians aged six to 13. In 2016 kids spent an average of 12 hours a week online compared to 10.5 hours spent in front of the TV. The online figure is nearly double the time reported in 2008 [...]

Why Helping At Home Is Good For Kids

There’s strong evidence that feeling useful builds resilience in children, but how much and what sort of work are modern parents asking kids to do? Next time your child complains about chores, tell them it’s for their own good. Giving children meaningful household tasks and the autonomy to complete them may be key to making [...]

12 Confronting Child Sexual Abuse Statistics All Parents Need To Know

We must educate our children so they know to tell, and keep on telling until they are believed. As a parent and an educator I find the statistics below both confronting and horrifying. However, they do highlight the reasons WHY we need to teach the children in our care Body Safety from the earliest of [...]

Why You Should Boycott The Fifty Shades Darker Movie

A man becomes fixated on a young female university student. He immediately becomes possessive, sulking when she so much as talks to other men, and attempts to isolate her from her friends. He shows up unannounced at her place of work. He traces her mobile phone to find her on a night out drinking with [...]

In The Time You Spend On Social Media Each Year, You Could Read 200 Books

Somebody once asked Warren Buffett about his secret to success. Buffett pointed to a stack of books and said, "Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will…" When I first found this [...]

By |2017-02-06T11:25:17+11:00February 6th, 2017|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments
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