Society & Culture

How Do You Talk To Kids About Racism?

Google Images Issues related to racism and racial discrimination feature in our news and social media feeds with alarming regularity. This year more and more stories have emerged around “black face”, hotly contested debates about cartoons, free speech and who gets to decide who and what is and isn’t racist. Once again, Section [...]

Research Finds Parenting Style Affects Children In Unexpected Ways

Pixabay Images Is your parenting style making your child sick? A growing body of research is finding that the way parents relate to their children affects more than their mental and emotional health. It also has an impact on their physical wellbeing. In a recent study, researchers compared five separate parenting styles. One [...]

Men’s Attitude To Fatherhood Influences Child Behaviour

Pixabay Images Children of confident fathers who embrace parenthood are less likely to show behavioural problems before their teenage years, researchers have found. A new study suggests that a man’s attitudes towards fatherhood soon after his child’s birth, as well as his feelings of security as a father and partner, are more important [...]

Should Children Ban Their Parents From Social Media?

Thinkstock Images Parents from Shanghai to Chicago are proudly putting pictures of their children on social media. It might be taken for granted - but no previous generation of children will have had the experience of having their entire childhoods intensively and publicly documented in this way. Stories about online privacy are often [...]

Children’s Health, Privacy At Risk From Digital Marketing

Flickr Images For the first time, researchers and health experts have undertaken a comprehensive analysis of the concerning situation in the World Health Organization European Region regarding digital marketing to children of foods high in fats, salt and sugars. The World Health Organization (WHO) has published the report, which calls for immediate action [...]

Why Building Young Boys’ Mental Resilience Is So Important As A Parent (And How To Do It)

Getty Images For hundreds of years, young boys have been brought up with the belief that to be a “real” man, you have to be tough. The notion of having physical resilience as a way to get by in life seems to have overshadowed the equally important need for mental resilience. Artist Grayson [...]

The Ritual Every Parent Should Do With Their Kids Before The Age Of 7

Pixabay Images   GIVE me the child until the age of seven, and I will give you the man — Jesuit proverb As a new parent, it’s scary to realise that 90 per cent of the brain’s growth happens in the first five years of your child’s life. “Over these crucial years, millions [...]

Energy Drinks: Sugar, Caffeine And Addiction

Flickr Images There are few people who would willingly tuck into a bowl filled with 21 teaspoons of sugar just before sitting an exam. And yet teenagers and young people that throw back a standard 500mL energy drink are doing just that. As a teacher at a co-ed private school in Sydney last [...]

Weight Watchers Has Completely Missed The Body Positive Memo

Photo: Weight Watchers Just when you start to think the tide is turning against the era of companies brazenly exploiting women's body image for profit, Weight Watchers launches a campaign that turns back the clock a few decades. While others in the wellbeing and image industries are slowly moving away from marketing efforts that focus on [...]

How The Stress Of Racism Affects Learning

Flickr Images For 15-year-old Zion Agostini, the start of each school day is a new occasion to navigate a minefield of racial profiling. From an early age, walking home from elementary school with his older brother, Agostini took note of the differential treatment police gave to black people in his community: “I [saw] [...]

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