Society & Culture

The ‘Tyranny’ Of Positive Thinking Can Threaten Your Health And Happiness

Images: MichaelBlann/Getty Everyone has heard “Just look on the bright side!” or “Happiness is a choice—so choose to be happy!” Countless self-help books on choosing happiness line the shelves of bookstores; You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero has been on the New York Times best-seller list for 32 weeks; and The Power of [...]

Parents’ Mental Health Linked To Violence In Kids

Flickr Images Kids who have a parent who has been diagnosed with certain psychiatric disorders may be at increased risk for attempting suicide or committing a violent offense, a new study of people in Denmark suggests. These kids are at even greater risk of these behaviors when both parents have the disorders, the study [...]

When A Bully Targets Your Child

Flickr Images Of all the challenges that school brings for students and their parents, one of the most unwelcome and worrying is bullying. Bullying starts as early as first grade and peaks in middle school. About 1 in 5 students report being bullied each year, and figuring out how to respond is difficult. [...]

Are Teachers Equipped To Deal With The Ills Of Society?

Flickr Images A teacher’s role has always been much more than simply imparting the fundamental skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. In any one day a teacher might also play the role of counsellor, friend, mediator, life coach, guardian or confidant. Working directly with our future generations of adults, society places a large [...]

Creating A Child Safe Organisation

Child Wise Every day millions of Australian children and young people participate in educational, sporting and recreational activities provided by government and community organisations. For the majority of children and young people, involvement in these services is positive and beneficial. However, the risks of abuse to children and young people in organisations has [...]

Gaming And Porn Are Changing Men’s Brains

Pixabay Images Leading American Psychologist Philip Zimbardo recently discussed how men are getting left behind. For the first time in history young men are less educated than their fathers. The American Paediatric Society's 2013 study found that teenagers spend more time engrossed in media than they do in school and that time on [...]

15 Habits That Are Costing You Happiness

Flickr Images 1. Comparing yourself to others. Comparison has been called the thief of joy and for good reason — every minute you spend wishing you were someone else is a minute of your own life wasted. Comparing yourself to others also misses the whole point of your life — to be you, [...]

‘Like A Spider That Keeps Building Its Web’: Family of Sexual Abuse Survivor Speaks Out

Pixabay Images When Meg was 12, her mother, Annie, found herself unable to look at her. Seeing her daughter made Annie feel unsettled, at times almost angry. At first, she couldn’t figure out why. “And then, Meg turned 13 and suddenly, everything slid into place for me,” Annie says. “I found myself thinking, [...]

7 Weird Facts About Empathy, Because It Depends On More Than You Think

Flickr Images Psychopathy is an area of psychological study that will forever fascinate the public, but the opposite end of the spectrum can be just as interesting. Over the course of decades, research has turned up all kinds of weird facts about empathy - where it's regulated, how it works, and what makes some [...]

Relationships – Compassion

Flickr Images You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.. - Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. The fifth quality or value in the Relationship Quotient (RQ) is compassion. Compassion involves showing care for other people by understanding [...]

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