Society & Culture

The Benefits Of Mentoring

Flikr Images A key protective factor enabling young people to make a successful transition into adulthood has been identified as a relationship with a caring adult outside the young person’s immediate family.[1] In a study on resilience, Emily Werner and a team of professionals followed the development of children born in 1955 on [...]

Alcohol Advertising In Sport: Influence And Irony

Encounter Youth In Australia, alcohol advertisements are not permitted on TV during times that children are likely to be watching, usually defined as between 7:00am and 8:30pm[1]. There is however, one glaring exception to this rule: alcohol advertising in sport. As long as it is during a sport broadcast, alcohol is free to [...]

Relationships – Integrity

Flikr Images The third quality in the Relationship Quotient (RQ) that creates quality relationships is integrity. The establishment of trust builds relationships, the way mistakes are forgiven cements it and when people act with integrity they build new pathways. Wisdom is knowing what path to take, integrity is taking it. Integrity essentially is being who we [...]

Why Time Seems To Go By More Quickly As We Get Older

Pixabay Images When we were children, the summer holidays seemed to last forever, and the wait between Christmases felt like an eternity. So why is that when we get older, the time just seems to zip by, with weeks, months and entire seasons disappearing from a blurred calendar at dizzying speed? This apparently [...]

Being Lazy Could Mean You’re Highly Intelligent

Pixabay Images Need a new excuse for binge watching Stranger Things and living off Uber Eats? Research published in the Journal of Health Psychology, suggests that people who spend more time lazing around tend to be more intelligent than than those who are more active. The study conducted by the Florida Gulf Coast University found [...]

Learning Styles Is Pseudo-scientific ‘Rubbish’, Experts Warn

Flikr Images Leading education academics have warned that the strategy of tailoring teaching to students' so-called "learning styles" was based on flawed theories that were not based on any evidence. Yet this teaching style - which identifies learners as "visual, auditory or kinesthetic" - is still being promoted by state education departments as best practice teaching. Professor Stephen Dinham, who has [...]

Relationships – Forgiveness

Pixabay Images Once trust has been established in a relationship it is important to know there will be times when it will be tested. There will be times when all of us make mistakes and our trustworthiness will be questioned. It is at these times that relationships will deepen through forgiveness. For this [...]

Police Probe Pornography Ring At Melbourne Elite Private School St Michael’s

Flikr Images Police are investigating a pornography ring at a Melbourne private school which involved boys sharing explicit images of young naked girls. A 16-year-old male student at St Michael's Grammar School is believed to have created a Dropbox folder which contained photos of several girls from the St Kilda school. The folder was accessed [...]

Computer Games Grooming Kids For Gambling

Pixabay Images Thousands of Australian teenagers may find their favourite shoot 'em up video games redefined as illegal gambling sites under a bill to be introduced by Independent Senator Nick Xenophon when Federal Parliament resumes in August. Children are being groomed for gambling through hugely popular multiplayer first-person shooter games such as Counter-Strike:Global [...]

What Babies Know About Physics And Foreign Language

Pixabay Images Parents and policy makers have become obsessed with getting young children to learn more, faster. But the picture of early learning that drives them is exactly the opposite of the one that emerges from developmental science. The trouble is that most people think learning is the sort of thing we do [...]

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