Society & Culture

How Parents Can Help Students In The Senior Years Of School

Shutterstock When you have a student completing the senior years of school, everyone in the family is doing Year 11 or 12. Here are a few ideas for coming through these years flourishing, and having everyone’s dignity intact. Parents have a vital role in helping students: Manage time Manage energy Manage stress Manage to get everything [...]

Can Family Dinners Protect Kids From Cyberbullying?

Family dinners important in more ways than one. Photo: Getty The threat of cyberbullying is a very twenty-first century problem. Unlike ‘traditional’ playground bullying, cyberbullying is a relatively new phenomenon, and one that few parents have had personal experience of. It is therefore a threat that parents feel they have little control over. [...]

4 Anti-vaccination Arguments And How To Respond To Them

Getty Images Vaccination is a hot button issue, and it has been for nearly two decades. According to anti-vaxxers, many of the immunizations children receive are risky, they are dangerous, and they are downright unsafe, but pro-vaxxers believe the opposite. Immunizations are helpful and imperative. Vaccinations save lives. But which belief is correct? [...]

I’m A Man And I Have An Eating Disorder. That’s Not A Contradiction

‘It all came flooding back when I read Wentworth Miller’s post on being body-shamed by a meme making fun of his weight.’ Photograph: Mitch Jenkins/five I don’t remember the first time I purged. I remember it being a habit, a nightly ritual. I remember the pattern of the bathroom tiles in my parents’ [...]

Quarter Of Viewers With Mental Health Problems Seek Help After Watching Mental Health Storylines On TV

Maisie Williams struggled with mental health problems as Casey in Cyberbully. Credit: Channel 4 A quarter of TV viewers suffering from mental health problems have been prompted to seek help after following mental health storylines, according to a new poll by mental health charity Mind. The survey asked over 2,000 British adults how [...]

The Years When Nurturing Makes Kids Smarter And More Resilient

Photo: Getty Images According to new research from Washington University School of Medicine, children whose mothers were more nurturing during the preschool years, rather than later on in childhood, have more robust growth in brain structures associated with learning memory and stress response, than kids with less supportive mums. As part of the study, [...]

How Schools Can Understand And Respond To Self-Harm

Stock Images Given current national statistics, we can safely assume there are very few young people who haven’t known someone who has deliberately injured themselves by cutting, self-battery, overdosing or intentionally participating in risky behaviour. In 2015 the Australian Child and Adolescent Survey reported that approximately 10% of 12 – 17 year olds have self-harmed, with 8% self-harming within [...]

More Than Half Of Australian Infants Have Risk Factors For Adult Mental Illness

A study on mental health published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry reveals that one in 10 infants were born to mothers who consumed alcohol daily and two-thirds of children aged 12–13 years had parents who displayed low warmth or exhibited high hostility or anger. Photograph: Alamy More than half [...]

Are Electronic Cigarettes A Gateway To Adolescent Smoking?

Adolescents are experimenting with electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and there is speculation that this might lead some young people who would not otherwise have smoked cigarettes to progress to smoking (the gateway effect). However, after ten years of experience in other countries where e-cigarettes are widely available, there is no evidence that this is happening. In [...]

Should Tourists Climb Uluru?

Climbers scale Uluru in the Northern Territory. Photo: Bryan Charlton It's 6pm and there's something of a party atmosphere at the Uluru sunset viewing area. It's packed out with tourists from around the world who've staked out their spots to watch the nightly show. A woman wearing khakis and an Akubra is perched [...]

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