Society & Culture

Languages Are Mostly Made Of Happy Words

Petr Vaclavek/Shutterstock In the time of Twitter and Internet comments, it’s not hard to find language being used for evil. People take the remarkable human capacity for communication and wield it like a big dumb ax, hacking into anything and anyone they don’t like. When you see enough of that, it’s easy to [...]

14 New Facts About What You Can – And Can’t – Eat

Stock Photo This was the week when everything we thought we knew about eating and drinking healthily was turned on its head. First, a damning new study in the British Medical Journal showed that - after all we have been told to the contrary - saturated fat is good for you. Far from being the [...]

The Role Of White Privilege In The 60 Minutes Kidnapping Saga

Faulkner, pictured here with Lahela, 5, says her ex-husband abducted the children a year ago after taking them on holiday to Lebanon. Photo: supplied You can't fault a mother for trying. When Sally Faulkner learned that her Lebanese ex-husband, Ali Elamine, had no intention of returning their two children to Australia from Lebanon, [...]

A Fat Load Of Good: Why It’s Time To Bring Full Fat Back

Food myth busted: Butter ain't that bad after all. Start your day with toast, hold the butter but add margarine if you like. Have it with an egg-white omelette because the yolk is bad and a strong coffee with a splash of fat-free milk and maybe a calorie-free sweetener. Splenda perhaps – apparently, [...]

Beyond McMindfulness

shutterstock Suddenly mindfulness meditation has become mainstream, making its way into schools, corporations, prisons, and government agencies including the U.S. military. Millions of people are receiving tangible benefits from their mindfulness practice: less stress, better concentration, perhaps a little more empathy. Needless to say, this is an important development to be welcomed — [...]

Freda Briggs: ‘Champion Of Children’ And Former Senior Australian Of The Year Dies

PHOTO: Professor Briggs's child protection expertise was shared across the world. (Supplied) The highly regarded expert on child abuse issues and multi award-winning professor Freda Briggs has died in hospital at the age of 85. Child protection group Bravehearts praised her lifelong efforts to safeguard children. Bravehearts founder Hetty Johnston said Professor Briggs [...]

By |2016-04-11T16:24:58+10:00April 10th, 2016|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Child Sexual Abuse By Children Demands More Clinics, NSW Health Worker Says

Dale Tolliday, a clinical advisor to the public service New Street, wants more clinics to stop children sexually abusing children. Photo: James Brickwood It is not a problem that comes up in dinner party conversation. Authorities do not properly track it. Parents often dismiss it as "doctors and nurses" games. But the statistics [...]

How TV Shows Get Away With Humiliating Women For Entertainment

Samantha Armytage 'faced her fear' of being covered in cockroaches on Sunrise. Photo: Channel 7 High above the Dubai skyline, a plane taking an aerial tour of the city begins to thrash and spin. The passengers inside are at first perplexed, and then begin to scream. As the plane further loses control, the [...]

Exposed: The Alcohol Industry Campaign To Deny Queenslanders Life-saving Measures 

While it’s well known that the alcohol industry does everything in its power to influence decision makers and undermine evidence-based alcohol policy reform, FARE Chief Executive Michael Thorn says these documents provide a rare insight into the precise planning and strategies currently being implemented in Queensland, as the alcohol industry scrambles desperately to block proven [...]

Eating Disorders: The Role Of Family And Friends

Family and friends play a crucial role in the care, support and recovery of someone with an eating disorder. The effects of an eating disorder are often felt not only by the person experiencing it, but also their family and support network. Carers may face considerable personal strain through feelings of confusion, distress, guilt, exhaustion and anxiety. For this reason, it is important that carers look after their own wellbeing whilst [...]

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