Society & Culture

Exposed: The Alcohol Industry Campaign To Deny Queenslanders Life-saving Measures 

While it’s well known that the alcohol industry does everything in its power to influence decision makers and undermine evidence-based alcohol policy reform, FARE Chief Executive Michael Thorn says these documents provide a rare insight into the precise planning and strategies currently being implemented in Queensland, as the alcohol industry scrambles desperately to block proven [...]

Eating Disorders: The Role Of Family And Friends

Family and friends play a crucial role in the care, support and recovery of someone with an eating disorder. The effects of an eating disorder are often felt not only by the person experiencing it, but also their family and support network. Carers may face considerable personal strain through feelings of confusion, distress, guilt, exhaustion and anxiety. For this reason, it is important that carers look after their own wellbeing whilst [...]

Is This The Cause Of Most People’s Unhappiness?

Shutterstock In the study, teachers were told that certain random students were exceptionally bright and likely to "realise their potential" in the end-of-year tests."What the teachers didn't know is that students were placed on these lists completely at random," the study's authors wrote. "There was no difference between these students and other students."The results [...]

More Bubblers – Simple Way For Kids To Fight Obesity?

Shutterstock Children in America are steadily getting more and more obese. The numbers are staggering. In 1980, 7 percent of American children aged 6-11 years were obese. By 2012, that figure more than doubled, to 18 percent. During the same period, adolescent obesity rose from 5 percent to nearly 21 percent. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. [...]

Secrets To Our Children’s Academic Success

Photo credit: Steven Yeh Did you know that if you want your children to succeed at school, simply telling them about your high expectations can have a positive impact on their academic achievement? Students who achieve highly generally come from homes where parents expect that their children will “get off their butts, work hard, and do well at school.” In [...]

Emma Murphy Shares Shocking Video With Facebook Followers

Emma Murphy said she thought long and hard before posting the video of herself with a black eye. Photo: Facebook She is usually posting images of her healthy tuna salad or morning workouts. But health and fitness blogger Emma Murphy had something more important to share with her Facebook followers on Tuesday. The [...]

Pokie Nation: Australia’s ‘Electronic Morphine’

Recovering pokie machine addict Sharon Hollamby. ABC: Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation Science backs up Ms Hollamby's feeling of being "hypnotised" or "hijacked" by pokie machines. Like Pavlov's dog, who learned to salivate at the sound of a bell, pokie machine players learn to associate reward with the sound of the machines, gambling researcher Dr [...]

‘Trivialising’ Responses Causing Youth Who Self-harm To Turn Backs On Medical Help

PHOTO: Nicole Juniper, a 19-year-old university student from Melbourne, began self-harming when she was 14. (ABC: Norman Hermant) Negative and damaging responses from front-line medical staff are a major reason why Australian youth self-harm rates are at "unacceptable" levels, researchers say. Key points: Orygen finds young people who self-harm still subject to stigma [...]

The Fascinating Cultural Reason Why Westerners And East Asians Have Polar Opposite Understandings Of The Truth

Kevin Frayer / Getty Starting the spring of my 23rd year, I spent 13 months straight in East Asia, teaching English and travelling through South Korea, Japan, and China. As a 6’3” blonde guy, it was pretty obvious that I looked different than just about everybody else. What was less obvious is that as [...]

Researchers: Sugary Drinks Tied To High Death Toll Worldwide

Photo: Anthony Delvin Is sugar responsible for numerous deaths around the world? Researchers at Tufts University say the answer is yes. According to their research, an estimated 184,000 deaths could be caused by the consumption of sugary beverages each year. In the worldwide study, sugar-sweetened drinks led to 133,000 deaths from diabetes, 45,000 from cardiovascular [...]

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