Society & Culture

Male Teacher Numbers Dwindling, Work In Education An ‘Isolating Experience’ For Men

PHOTO: Early Childhood Education lecturer and MENtor Program Coordinator Martyn Mills-Bayne with student Akash Krishna. (ABC News: Rebecca Opie) Male teachers are a rare sight in primary schools across Australia and, as the number of men enrolling in education dwindles, some fear they could become a thing of the past. At the University [...]

Kids’ Dance Boom Fuels Injury Risk

Credit: Mathis Dance Studios The booming children's dance industry is set to be overhauled in a bid to combat lacklustre regulation and increasing injury risks. Dance – encompassing jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, cheerleading, contemporary, Irish, acrobatic, musical theatre and lyrical – is more popular than all other Australian children's sports or leisure activities except swimming, according [...]

Light-intensity Walk, Every 30 Minutes Could Increase Energy Levels

Standing desks may not be the answer. Photo: Rohan Thomson Are you sitting down right now? How long have you been sitting? If it's been longer than 30 minutes, you should probably stand up. Taking as few as 15 steps every 30 minutes could be the difference between feeling tired and sluggish and feeling energised [...]

Why Is Impulsive Aggression In Children So Difficult To Treat?

iStock Photo Maladaptive and impulsive aggression is explosive, triggered by routine environmental cues, and intended to harm another person, making it a significant challenge for clinicians, family members, and others who interact with affected children and adolescents. Efforts to develop effective treatments would benefit from better descriptive and quantitative methods to characterize this [...]

Domestic Violence Education: Connecting With Students Through Theatre

iStock photos Domestic violence statistics in Australia are horrifying. In the past year one in six women has experienced violence from a current or former partner, 63 women have been killed by family violence and childhood exposure to partner violence increases the likelihood of intergenerational violence [1]. The effect that domestic violence exposure [...]

By |2016-02-28T21:12:06+11:00February 28th, 2016|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Tracking Prejudices In The Brain

Preparation of an EEG recording. It is used for a Microstate analysis in order to depict processes in the brain temporally and spatially. Credit: University of Bern / Adrian Moser A soccer fan needs more time to associate a positive word with an opposing club than with his own team. And supporters of [...]

New Study Finds Our Desire For ‘Like-minded Others’ Is Hard-wired

Credit: Amanda Summerlin A path-breaking new study on how we seek similarity in relationships, co-authored by researchers at Wellesley College and the University of Kansas, upends the idea that "opposites attract," instead suggesting we're drawn to people who are like-minded. The study could lead to a fundamental change in understanding relationship formation—and it [...]

Neuroscience And The Premature Death Of The Soul

Tom Wolfe: his 1996 predictions foreshadowed dubious media stories of neural circuits for infidelity and political orientation. Photograph: Jim Cooper/AP Perhaps Wolfe’s most astute observation was cultural: how the collapse of Freud and Marx had pushed people into using the language of cognitive science for explanations of human behaviour. He also noticed that [...]

By |2016-02-27T19:46:28+11:00February 23rd, 2016|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

How Stan Grant Delivered Australia’s ‘Greatest Anti-racism Speech’ Off-the-cuff

Stan Grant delivers a speech on racism When journalist Stan Grant stepped onto the podium in a large Sydney hall on a cold October evening to address a crowd of about 100, he had only an idea of what he wanted to say. What emerged has gone viral online. Grant has been compared to [...]

It’s Easy To Get People To Do Bad Things—This Might Be Why

(Photo : University College London) In the 1960s, psychologist Stanley Milgram famously conducted experiments in a Yale University basement showing that people will apparently inflict pain on another person simply because someone in a position of authority told them to. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biologyon Feb. 18, 2016 have [...]

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