Society & Culture

League Immortal Andrew Johns Apologises for ‘Disgraceful’ Behaviour at Toowoomba Airport

Apology: Andrew Johns. Photo: Getty Images Johns was named the game's eighth Immortal in 2012 ahead of contenders Norm Provan, Ron Coote and Mal Meninga. Johns' on-field achievements were never in doubt. However, his elevation was met coolly by some, who felt his behaviour off the field did not live up to the title. - [...]

Picky Eating In Children Associated With Depression And Anxiety, Study Warns

Picky eating in children is linked to depression and anxiety, according to a new study published Monday. In this photo, dated Dec. 23, 2011, children eat lunch at the Los Angeles Mission's Christmas meal service and toy giveaway in the skid row section of Los Angeles, California. Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn Picky eating among children [...]

FOMO: What’s the Psychology Behind the Fear of Missing Out?

free-stock-illustration The fear of missing out is an old, actually an ancient fear, being triggered by the newest form of communication: social media. Our survival as an individual within a tribe, and thus our survival as a species, once hinged on our being aware of threats both to ourselves and to the larger group. [...]

How Barack Obama Used Psychology to Gain $2M

Putting the signature box at the beginning of the form rather than the end resulted in a rash of honesty. iStock The US federal government found a clever way to make a little extra money last summer. Some vendors who provide federal agencies with goods and services as various as paper clips and [...]

How Trigger Warnings Are Hurting Mental Health on Campus Something strange is happening at America’s colleges and universities. A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense. Last December, Jeannie Suk wrote in an online article for The New Yorker about law students asking her fellow professors [...]

Selfie Deaths Outnumber Deaths From Shark Attacks Since 2013

Extreme selfie poseur, Kirill Oreshkin (still alive). The Russian government has launched a campaign against such dangerous photographs, which has led to the deaths of others. Photo: Facebook Which of these is more likely to kill you: a shark or a photograph? At least 11 people have died this year while trying to [...]

Queen, Abba and the Beach Boys Best Feel-Good Music Science Says

A Dutch neuroscientist has come up with a formula to determine what makes a song uplifting and in the process he's identified the ultimate feel-good track of all-time. - Peter Vincent Source: Queen, Abba and the Beach Boys best feel-good music science says

Storytelling for the Elephant in the Room, Stockphoto Stories are everywhere. They draw people together and hold an enormous capacity to evoke connection and create change. It is how humans interact and has been our main source of passing on knowledge for more than 27,000 years. We are wired to think in narrative and make decisions based on cause [...]

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