Society & Culture

Alcohol-Drenched Sporting Culture Needs to Change

Alcohol companies advertise during sporting events, and sponsor sports and teams so as to link sporting success with alcohol and to reach our children, the next generation of potential drinkers. And they do it very successfully. We know that the earlier children are exposed to alcohol advertising the more likely they are to commence drinking [...]

Alertness to Mental Disorders Key to Preventing Youth Suicides

Youth suicide is an immensely complex interplay of social, psychological, neurological, biological and cultural variables. The problem is that these variables carry unequal weights and no single one has been demonstrated to be necessary or sufficient to cause an individual to take their own life. This makes it very difficult to predict whether a young [...]

Inside Europe’s Biggest Sex Offenders’ Prison

Europe's biggest prison for sex offenders is in Nottinghamshire. How does it try to rehabilitate the inmates, asks Rex Bloomstein. "Whatton's a great leveller," says Lynn Saunders, governor of HMP Whatton, the largest prison for adult male sex offenders not just in the UK, but in Europe. "We've got everybody here you could imagine," she [...]

8 Ways You May be Raising Your Child to Be a Bully

We want our kids to grow up happy and successful, but putting happiness and success before caring is raising a generation of bullies. Admit it. You've watched and wondered: is my kid a bully? Not all the time. Not most of the time. But some of the time. The rough-handed grab, pushy attitude, resentful looks. [...]

By |2015-03-30T14:50:26+11:00March 30th, 2015|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , , |3 Comments

The Key to Our Happiness Is Connection, Not Competition

There are two different sides to human nature. Both are important, but the balance between them has huge implications for our wellbeing, culture and future. One side of our nature is self-interested. This is our in-built instinct to do whatever we can to survive and thrive, often at the expense of others. The other side [...]

Need to Interrupt Cycle of Family Violence – Report

Instant jail terms, or flash incarceration, for perpetrators who do not comply with court orders is one of a range of recommendations to break the cycle of family violence outlined in a major new RMIT University report. Australian of the Year and anti-domestic violence campaigner Rosie Batty launched the report in Melbourne today. The RMIT [...]

Controversial Paedophile Support Program to Launch in South Australia in a National First

A controversial program that offers paedophiles friendship and support in an effort to reduce offending is being trialled in Australia for the first time. I appreciate not everybody will want to spend their Saturday morning having a coffee with an offender, but I think we need to get over that. QUT criminologist, Dr Kelly Richards [...]

Medicating Women’s Feelings

More Americans are on psychiatric medications than ever before, and in my experience they are staying on them far longer than was ever intended. Sales of antidepressants and antianxiety meds have been booming in the past two decades, and they’ve recently been outpaced by an antipsychotic, Abilify, that is the No. 1 seller among all [...]

6 Ways Australia’s Education System is Failing Our Kids

Amid debates about budget cuts and the rising costs of schools and degrees, there is one debate receiving alarmingly little attention in Australia. We’re facing a slow decline in most educational standards, and few are aware just how bad the situation is getting. These are just six of the ways that Australia’s education system is [...]

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