Society & Culture

The Psychology of iSheep

The reputation of Apple’s fans is as well known as Apple’s products. These are the people who have already started lining up outside Apple stores, just to be first to own the latest iPhone. When they are not in line, they scour the Internet for articles that affirm their belief in Apple’s products, reacting swiftly [...]

Teens having S3x Earlier: Study

Researchers said exposure to sexual content could be part of the reason for a historical decrease in the age young people were first having sex. "Sexualised content such as pornography has become normalised in today's society and provides a private and easily accessible way for young people to learn about sex and sexual norms," they [...]

Abuse And Neglect: Australia’s Child Protection ‘Crisis’

The tragic death of four-year old Chloe Valentine in South Australia has raised concerns that the state’s child protection system is in crisis. Following a history of abuse and neglect, Chloe’s mother and her partner repeatedly put Chloe on a 50-kilogram motorbike and filmed her crashing into objects. She later died of her injuries. During [...]

Body Image And Negative Self-Talk The Mannequin Project aims to raise awareness about body image and to generally start a new, more positive conversation. Not just reporting on the stats, actually getting to the root of why we (men, women, boys, girls, transgenders etc) are generally dissatisfied with our appearance. We created this video to show how ‘negative self [...]

Young girls ‘mimicking mothers’ body image fears’

Girls as young as seven are learning to dislike their own bodies because they have seen their mothers standing in front of the mirror describing themselves as fat or old, new research shows. The OnePoll survey found that seven out of 10 women said that their child had seen them engaging in “negative body language [...]

8 girls that are changing the world

Children's Week 2014 has just begun and this year's theme is "every child's right to speak and be heard". As a parent of two young children it's easy to joke about the delights of kids NOT speaking or being heard. Yet there are countless children around Australia and the globe who speak up on issues [...]

Girls’ Body Image Affected By Older Peers

The media is highly criticized for contributing to body image issues in adolescents. However, a study out today in Psychology of Women Quarterly finds a different source for body dissatisfaction among young girls: older girls at school. A research team led by Jaine Strauss, Professor of Psychology at Macalester College, surveyed 1,536 5th through 8th-grade female students attending schools [...]

Top four challenges of raising boys

Dealing with emotions One of the biggest challenges in raising boys is balancing out the social expectations and stereotypes. Dr Bronwyn Harman, psychology lecturer and families expert at Edith Cowan University, acknowledges that there is still a belief that boys will behave in one way and girls in another. "This is socially and culturally reinforced, [...]

The Psychology of Retail Therapy

Most people are guilty of emotional spending at one time or another. Whether you partake in retail therapy while you're sad, angry, or happy, you are bound to end up with some unneeded items and an empty wallet. So why do we spend to feel better, and how can we curb emotional spending in the [...]

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