Society & Culture

Rolf Harris guilty: but what has Operation Yewtree really taught us about sexual abuse?

However we interpret the Yewtree saga, it is undeniable large numbers of people have been abused by celebrities, who one way or another skilfully manipulated those around them to protect themselves. Beyond this, there’s not a great deal more we can learn from the cases themselves. As disturbing as they are, they comprise only a [...]

Switch Off These Holidays

Most states are either on school holidays this week, or are in their final week of term time. Term 2 is always a particularly hectic term - aren’t they all? - due to report writing pressures, and in some states the fact that this year, schools have had to squeeze ten weeks worth of stuff [...]

5 tricks stores use to make you spend more money

The man whose job it is to advise companies on how best to sell you things recently wrote an article for Business Insider, ‘How to get someone to buy something’, revealing every trick in the book when it comes to consumer manipulation. The best sales people have mastered the following five things. - Kathleen Lee Joe [...]

‘Pornification of culture’ a threat

As a psychotherapist, I specialize in supporting women and men as they recover from working on the streets, in body rub parlours, brothels and as escorts. In the 12 years I’ve been doing this, I’ve found the vast majority grow up in desperation and deprivation, and become ensnared as adolescents within an exploitative machine that [...]

Study finds association between maternal exposure to agricultural pesticides and autism

Quinn, an autistic boy, and the line of toys he made before falling asleep. Repeatedly stacking or lining up objects is a behavior commonly associated with autism. Credit: Wikipedia. Pregnant women who lived in close proximity to fields and farms where chemical pesticides were applied experienced a two-thirds increased risk of having a [...]

Action needed to protect kids from alcohol ads

The AMA Vice President, Dr Stephen Parnis, this week launched the second annual report of the Alcohol Advertising Review Board at Parliament House in Canberra. The reported provides further evidence that self-regulation of alcohol advertising is ineffective and many alcohol companies are ignoring concerns about young people’s exposure to ads through sport, TV and online. [...]

How Do You Talk To Youth About Drug Education?

In conversations with many teachers and parents, the opinion is divided about whether to focus on the positive behavior or negative choices youth make surrounding drugs. There are those who believe most young people will try drugs at some stage, so we should shock students by telling true stories of disaster parties & those who [...]

Students Having A Voice And Taking Action

I’m really exploring the concept of Student Voice at the moment. Both in my writing and in my work with schools. Last week I was invited back to the school where I last taught in 2012. I was part of a panel for an evening that the Year 12s had put on to discuss some [...]

Father wins High Court challenge on federal funding of school chaplains program

The decision could undermine the federal government's recent decision to allocate $245.3 million to continue running the chaplaincy program for another five years. That funding was intended specifically for schools to hire faith-based chaplains rather than social workers. Under the program, 3700 schools are eligible for up to $72,000 funding to employ chaplains. In a [...]

You’re probably more racist than you think

Although it is perfectly possible to be both stupid and racist, only someone who hasn’t personally experienced it could be ignorant enough to claim racism not only doesn’t exist but is really just an expression of stupidity, and hence we should tolerate it as fact of life. And yet, the internet is littered with the opinions of [...]

By |2014-06-21T23:17:34+10:00June 18th, 2014|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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