Society & Culture

Multiculturalism Faces Uncertain Future In Our More Polarised Nation

Australia seems to be becoming a more polarised society. This is the simple conclusion from recent research undertaken for SBS, which looked for answers to how Australians think the country has changed over the past 20 years, and where they think it may be in another 20 years. A more “traditionalist” group perhaps as high [...]

No Winners Or Losers?

Over the past few weeks I’ve been speaking at the Generation Next seminars lamenting the fact that in today’s society, it seems every kid needs to get a prize! Indeed I’ve heard of teachers being berated by over-zealous parents because their child didn’t receive a fifth place ribbon. Why do we feel the need to [...]

Limiting Screen Time Yields Multiple Benefits

  Parents may not always see it, but efforts to limit their children's screen time can make a difference. A new study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, found children get more sleep, do better in school, behave better and see other health benefits when parents limit content and the amount of time their children spend on the [...]

Alcohol Culture Change: The First Signs?

Over the last fortnight it’s been interesting to read the reporting about the release of a couple of key pieces of alcohol data in Australia. The Australian Bureau of Statistics released its Apparent Consumption of Alcohol, Australia, 2012-13 report, which shows Australians are drinking less alcohol overall than any time in the previous 15 years. [...]

One in 13 US schoolkids takes psych meds

More than 7 percent of American schoolchildren are taking at least one medication for emotional or behavioral difficulties, a new government report shows. Apparently, the medications are working: More than half of the parents said the drugs are helping their children, according to the report. - Serena Gordon   via One in 13 US schoolkids takes [...]

Is Religion Dead in Australia?

In 2012, a WIN-Gallup International poll asked the question, “Irrespective of whether you attend a place of worship or not, would you say you are a religious person, not a religious person or a convinced atheist?” Just 37 percent of Australian respondents said they were religious, 48 percent said not religious, 10 percent were convinced [...]

Is Your School Reaching Every Kid?

Last year, Gallup surveyed 7000 students in Years 5-12 in 36 schools across six states. The survey found that students become less engaged as they make their way through school and only 1 in 3 believe they will find a good job when they leave school. Gallup said this reflected a lack of hope. Overall, [...]

Casual marijuana use linked to brain abnormalities in students

Young adults who used marijuana only recreationally showed significant abnormalities in two key brain regions that are important in emotion and motivation, scientists report. The study was a collaboration between Northwestern Medicine and Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. This is the first study to show casual use of marijuana is related to major brain changes. [...]

A red carpet special: commodification of women

This time last week, dozens of accomplished women woke with an overwhelming sense of dread. Not good when you also have a killer hangover. Having stepped out on the Logies red carpet the night before, dressed and tressed to the max, these capable women knew that in the media the following day, they would be [...]

Arguing May Raise Risk of Death for Middle-age Adults

Arguments may ruin more than just friendships. New research suggests that people who frequently argue with those close to them nearly triple their overall chances of a middle-aged death. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, details how researchers were able to find a direct association between the stressful nature of arguing [...]

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