Society & Culture

Are we becoming less religious?

A seismic shift is occurring with religious belief in Australia. This dramatic change reveals a search for national identity—one that offers a clear path to a hopeful future. Until now, everything Australians have tried, religiously speaking, has not worked. Widespread attachment to traditional Christianity has not brought true prosperity and contentment. Wholesale secularism has also failed [...]

Entering adulthood in a recession linked to lower narcissism later life

We often attribute the narcissistic tendencies of others to parenting practices or early social experiences. But new research reveals that economic conditions in the formative years of early adulthood may also play a role. The research shows that people who entered their adulthood during hard economic times are less narcissistic later in life than those [...]

Teenage Drinking On The Decline

Our boozy Australian culture may soon be extinct if the results of a recent survey are anything to go by. Published in the scientific journal Addiction, the survey led by Dr Michael Livingston of Australia’s National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre compiled the responses of more than 2500 Australians aged 14 to 17. It found [...]

Sexualisation A Danger To Teen Health

In the teenage parties of my youth, there was always a room left in darkness, furnished with armchairs and couches, where couples could retire from the melee to "pash on" in privacy. By midnight, adolescent hormones being what they are, there was barely a spare place left. Reliably, one of those left out of these [...]

Psychiatrist’s view: Yik Yak is most dangerous app I’ve ever seen

Yik Yak can turn a school into a virtual chat room where everyone can post his or her comments, anonymously. Untruthful, mean, character-assassinating short messages are immediately seen by all users in a specific geographic area. - Dr. Keith Ablow via Psychiatrist's view: Yik Yak is most dangerous app I've ever seen | Fox News.

Leadership lesson: Student Principal for a Day

Leaders aren’t born – they become leaders through experience and opportunity. Young people need genuine opportunities to test drive what it feels like to be in the leader’s seat. Right now – there’s a great opportunity for primary and secondary students around the country to get a practical lesson in leadership that they won’t forget! [...]

Don’t Be A ByStander!

Last week I wrote of my personal experience of being bullied for years at school. The feedback I received through the comment section and social media, whilst supportive, indicated that bullying is so widespread. And not just in school, but in all areas of the community. The question is why? Why is bullying so prevalent? I [...]

What pop culture gets wrong about eating disorders

It’s true that bulimia happens among ballet dancers and beauty queens, and other people whose bodies are their livelihoods. But the reality of bulimia and other eating disorders that involve purging – through vomiting, overexercise, or laxative abuse – is that many people suffering from them don’t look like ballerinas or pageant contestants. Many women [...]

On the treadmill: young and long-term unemployed in Australia

Youth unemployment has been marching upward in Australia in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis in 2008. The unemployment rate nationally among those aged 15 to 24 at March 2014 stands at 12.5 per cent – more than double the overall rate of unemployment. The experience of being young and unemployed is also changing. [...]

Hollywood gets blame for sex disease hike

New Zealand's chlamydia rate is getting worse because of excessive drinking by young people and a Hollywood-inspired culture of sex without commitment, specialists say. Nationally more than 8000 cases of the sexual infection were treated in clinics last year, up from 6959 in 2006. "We have all the media in the world encouraging people to [...]

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