Society & Culture

When de-racialisation surgery goes wrong

The genie is well and truly out of the bottle. De-racialisation – like all forms of plastic surgery – is only going to get more lucrative. My own experience has given me ample opportunity to reflect on the unfairness of a society that routinely imposes insecurity on women, driving them to mutilate themselves in the [...]

Story of a gaming addict

"Looking back, I think I must have been insane," he told me, with a mix of pride and revulsion. "I was so immersed in it at the time. I knew it was abnormal, but never to the extent that I see it now." via Jorge Yao was master of his virtual domain in Clash of [...]

Calls for Seven to cut Lingerie Football

A petition calling on the Seven Network to reconsider plans to broadcast the "sexist" Lingerie Football League (LFL) has generated over 2000 signatures. Earlier this year, the league was rebranded from Lingerie Football League to Legends Football League. Its tag line was also changed from "True Fantasy" to "Women Of The Gridiron". Collective Shout, a grassroots [...]

By |2014-01-13T22:37:26+11:00December 23rd, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

The Body Con – A Competition to Help People Change Body Perceptions

The Body Con is a challenge to the understanding that we have to look a certain way in order to be valued and accepted. It is an opportunity to stop conforming and create controversy by re-branding the "ideal". Enter now for your chance to win $1000 and the opportunity to hear from industry professionals who [...]

Sexism in Media: Video Highlights Worst Moments in 2013

The Representation Project, a 501c3 nonprofit that aims to challenge gender stereotypes in media, created this short film to show just how pervasive sexism still is in the media. Click Here to Watch Video via Sexism in Media: Video Highlights Worst Moments in 2013 |

What it’s like to suffer from body dysmorphic disorder

Sufferers become obsessed by perceived - but in reality almost non-existent - flaws in their appearance. A specific area usually becomes the target - their nose, hair, or weight. Dieting, weight lifting, excessive exercise, tanning, measuring, camouflaging techniques, and agoraphobia are just some of the cruel behaviours associated with the disorder as sufferers try to [...]

Put the iPhone down and talk to your Kids!

The recent SMH article outlining author Mem Fox's genuine concern about the increasing use of technology as a replacement for parental interaction with their kids was spot-on, and should raise alarm bells - but will it? I know I'm not Gen X, Y or Z - happy to admit I am a Baby Boomer - [...]

Aussie Parents are the most overprotective!

You may have read my column a couple of weeks ago about how schools are banning playground games because students lacked the resilience or social skills to handle losing. This week I came across research from Deakin University and VicHealth that supported the idea that younger Australian kids are “bubble wrapped” more than their UK [...]

Google, Microsoft ramp up fight against online child pornography

In response to the longtime, alarming proliferation of photos and videos containing child pornography on the Internet, Web search giants Google and Microsoft plan to introduce measures to block the content from their search results. The modifications will prevent more than 100,000 search terms from generating results that link to images and videos associated with [...]

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