Society & Culture

Researchers find being exposed to fast food symbols makes it harder to appreciate everyday joys

Success, in the Western world, means “gaining time,” according to French philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard. The faster we do things — work, eat, sleep, read — the more time we “gain.” But this focus on time efficiency could be making the small things in life harder to enjoy. A trio of Canadian researchers have discovered that [...]

Education: Conservative vs Creative

An article in The Age recently opened up, yet again, the discussion around education and the pros and cons of a conservative approach to teaching and learning or a more innovative, creative approach. It made for thought-provoking reading. I make no apology for being a huge fan of Sir Ken Robinson and his ideals of [...]

Kanye West, naked Kim Kardashian in music soft p*rn

There have been concerns for some time that porn culture has infiltrated the music business. This video clip doesn't so much confirm that ugly truth, as shout it from the rooftops. It is a pop culture message that is damaging young peoples lives and completely rewriting how young women see themselves and the way they [...]

Technology no substitute for reading time

Leading children's author Mem Fox finds it ''heartbreaking'' to see small children left alone with smartphones and tablets to entertain themselves, saying an increasing reliance on technology to teach children how to read could inhibit their empathy and social skills. Fox said parents must keep reading books - either paper or ebooks - with their [...]

5 insights on the “would you like to live next door to someone of a different race?” question

Here's a map of countries where people show the highest and lowest levels of racial tolerance. Reducing such a complicated, subjective phenomenon to a single metric is controversial – the frequency with which people in a certain country said they would not want neighbors of a different race – is going to produce some highly [...]

Adaptability is Essential for the Future

The world is changing in front of our eyes.   Globalisation and the impact of technology means that, in many ways, the world of today is barely recognizable to that of twenty or thirty years ago.   This is particularly true of the workplace. We’ve long been aware of the concept of offshoring the work [...]

Here’s a map of the best and worst countries to be a mother

A new report by Save the Children, a London-based NGO, gauges and ranks the conditions for mothers in almost every country in the world.  The Mother's Index, measures conditions for mothers using five different metrics: risk of maternal death, infant mortality rate, the number of years an average child will spend in school, gross national income [...]

What’s the point of running an education campaign?

Some commentators have suggested that mass media campaigns are more likely to be effective when they are: - well-resourced and enduring - target a clearly defined audience - are based on advanced marketing strategies that effectively target, communicate with, and have relevance for, and credibility with, the audience - provide a credible message to which [...]

Helicopter Schools

Is it April Fool’s day? Of course it isn’t. So why am I reading ridiculous headlines like this? Melbourne schools ban playground games because of lack of resilience   The report stated that schools were banning Tiggy because kids would just give up when they were tagged, and quoted the Victorian Principals Association president Gabrielle [...]

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