Society & Culture

Miley Cyrus: does the music business exploit women?

The pornification of everything is a huge problem across our culture, and one that has only grown muckier and more entrenched with the spread of the internet on teenagers' mobile phones. It's a problem not confined to pop music – hello, fashion photography – but pop is where the tectonic plates of sex and commerce [...]

Why technology needs to be out of bedrooms

I have recently returned from a trip to Africa. In the weeks leading up to my trip I was often asked, “Why would you go to Africa to talk on technology?” Because the world is truly a global village! I have seen it with my own eyes.   Other than perhaps extremely remote areas, almost [...]

#selfies – you are worth more than the sum total of your ‘likes’

I was somewhat disappointed by last Monday night’s Australian Story, on the ‘selfie’ phenomenon. The thirty minutes were more about Olympia and her arty family than about the posturing culture, which is the current fad in teenage hood. I was however, intrigued by Olympia’s reflections of this ‘selfie’ culture, “We’re faking it, so that we [...]

Dolly October 2013

Dolly Doctor and Oral Sex: is advice to girls clear? Melinda Tankard Reist Dolly Doctor this issue deals with oral sex. Parents with younger Dolly readers in the family may want to be aware of that and be prepared to talk about it with them (Dolly has featured’ Readers of the month’ who are 11). [...]

Don’t Stigmatise the ADHD Debate

A few months ago I wrote a piece highlighting the different rates of ADHD diagnosis in Australia compared to those in France. It appeared that ADHD could be something of an “Aussie thing.”   Last weekend, I read an article in the Sydney Morning Herald that highlighted the risks associated with ADHD medication, and rates [...]

Separating neuromyths from science in education

WHEN it comes to making the classroom more "scientific", there is good, solid research into the best ways of helping children with dyslexia or autism, or encouraging kids to become bilingual. And then there's the other stuff. via Separating neuromyths from science in education - opinion - 02 September 2013 - New Scientist.

The one week TV ban

This time a few weeks ago, give or take a few hours, I was standing dripping wet in the lounge room, looking at my kids in total disbelief. Seconds into my shower they had decided to battle it out, and I had to come back in to negotiate calm. As I stood there with conditioner [...]

Why Naming & Shaming Won’t Work

Last week the Queensland Government announced plans to name & shame repeat juvenile offenders. I wrote an opinion piece for the ABC in response.   You can read the full article here, but in summary I oppose such actions for one main reason.   It doesn’t work.   The rationale for naming and shaming is [...]

Sexualisation is all in a day’s twerk for some pop stars

In the pornified music world populated by churned-out female pop stars pumping and grinding to a sexualised script, cavorting semi-naked and presented as sexually insatiable, we see Miley Cyrus simulating sex acts while denuded of real sexuality. While many around the world condemned what was seen as an overtly sexualised performance at the recent MTV [...]

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