Society & Culture

The story behind Israel’s Photoshop Law

The legislation focuses on two elements of the fashion industry that have long drawn criticism for their effects on women and, especially, girls: ultra thin models and the use of Photoshop to make women appear impossibly thin in advertisements. The measure has been controversial within Israel for raising the question of where free speech bumps [...]

Bhutan’s youth struggle in kingdom of happiness

It is known as "the last Shangri-La" -- a remote Himalayan nation, rich in natural beauty and Buddhist culture, where national happiness is prioritised over economic growth. But urban youngsters in the kingdom of Bhutan are quick to challenge its rosy reputation. "We can see the people are not happy," said Jigme Wangchuk, a social [...]

Changing the World is Good for You

If you can use your strengths in the service of something greater than yourself, many psychologists will tell you that this is a key predictor of wellbeing. They refer to it as having a sense of purpose or meaning.   Recently I’ve been working with schools to push their thinking in this regard.   What [...]

Porn becoming substitute for sex education

With the younger generation's growing access to the internet, it probably comes as no surprise that many children are viewing pornography. But what may surprise you, is the reason why they're watching. Some sexuality health experts are suggesting many Australian young people are using pornography as a "how to" manual for having sex. In Australia [...]

Infant feeds

Breastfeeding is the preferred form of infant nutrition. Formula is associated with: Higher infant mortality (6–10 times) Increased incidence and severity of diarrhoea, pneumonia, otitis media, Hib, meningitis, atopy, type 1 diabetes, leukaemia, and obesity in adulthood. Even partial breastfeeding is better than exclusive formula feeding. For example, the risk of diarrhoea is 25x higher in formula-fed [...]

Marriage in the 21st century

It may be timely to consider evidence which suggests that marriage may actually be conducive to health and well-being for both men and women. It may also be timely to consider that marriage may actually be a good thing for our children too. via Marriage in the 21st century.

Sale of alcohol guidelines watered down by NSW government

Strict guidelines proposed for the sale of alcohol in NSW have been watered down to remove bans on the use of celebrities who appeal to under-18s in promotions and mention of specific events targeting women after intense lobbying from the industry. New guidelines released by the NSW government on Thursday morning show sections pertaining to [...]

Dustin Hoffman realises a cultural lie

Women are sold this lie daily: that beauty is simply a matter of drinking eight glasses of water a day, eating mountains of chia seeds and quinoa salad, a good moisturiser and a touch of lippy and mascara. The multi-billion dollar beauty, diet and cosmetic surgery industries are testament to the fact that much of [...]

Study: TV’s female characters are sexual targets

Teenage female characters are sexual fodder for broadcast network TV series, especially comedies, according to an advocacy group's new study. An examination of 238 sitcoms and dramas airing during four weeks in 2011 and 2012 found a third of the episodes included content that "rose to the level of sexual exploitation" of females, according to [...]

What’s in a selfie? A high school student tells us

If social media only caused narcissism, it wouldn't be the worst thing. Instagram and Facebook are social networks that not only breed narcissistic tendencies but transform relations into a sexual rat race. On these ubiquitous portals, the popularity of girls is hotly contested over one big deal: how sexy can I appear and bring it [...]

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