Society & Culture

Spirituality is key to kids’ happiness

Research shows that children who feel that their lives have meaning and value and who develop deep, quality relationships - both measures of spirituality - are happier. It would appear, however, that their religious practices have little effect on their happiness. via Spirituality is key to kids' happiness.

Australian advertising industry snubs Positive Body Image Awards

While 80 per cent of Australian women are larger than a size 10, and recent studies have suggested consumers respond positively when more realistic models are used, the advertising industry has maintained a defiant stance. via Ad firms give larger models a bum steer.

High school athletes say concussions won’t sideline them

Many high school football players say it’s OK to play with a concussion even though they know they are at risk of serious injury, according to a study to be presented Monday, May 6, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Washington, DC. The study of 120 high school football players in the [...]

Smoking prevention in schools: Does it work?

Smoking prevention in schools reduces the number of young people who will later become smokers, according to a new systematic review published in The Cochrane Library. For young people who have never smoked, these programmes appear to be effective at least one year after implementation. via Smoking prevention in schools: Does it work? | Science [...]

New report on p*rn and young people by UK children’s commissioner

The first year of our Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups revealed shocking rates of sexual violation of children and young people in these contexts. We obtained incontrovertible evidence that, between August 2010 and October 2011, at least 2,409 children were victims of sexual exploitation. Equally troubling was the evidence that at [...]

I’ll let others do the work, thanks!

In his book Fame Junkies, author Jake Halpern speaks of a survey he carried out with US school students. One of the questions on the survey was; “When you grow up, which of the following jobs would you most like to have?” There were five options to choose from: CEO of a major company like [...]

Looking out for the Teachers Part II

Last week I wrote asking, Who’s Looking After the Teachers? and the response was astounding. By far, it received more comments than any other column I’ve written for Generation Next – which leads me to think it struck a chord. As well as the overwhelming majority of comments agreeing that staff wellbeing needed to be [...]

Bigorexia- School boys suffer from the Adonis complex

Schoolboys wanting a hit of the latest bulk-building product or pill need not travel far. At The Scots College, in Sydney's east, protein powders are supplied by teachers to adolescent athletes in the school gym. A sponsor of the school's rugby sevens tournament is Ultimate Sports Nutrition, whose products include ''hardcore'' anabolics, meal replacements and [...]

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