Society & Culture

The Young People and Sexting in Australia study

While the age of consent to sexual activity is 16 in NSW, naked or semi-naked pictures of those under the age of 18 can be defined legally as child pornography, even when those who produce the images are also under the age of 18. Legal cases in Australia and overseas have highlighted the risks to [...]

Six myths about vaccination – and why they’re wrong

Recently released government figures show levels of childhood vaccination have fallen to dangerously low levels in some areas of Australia, resulting in some corners of the media claiming re-ignition of “the vaccine debate”. Well, scientifically, there’s no debate. In combination with clean water and sanitation, vaccines are one of the most effective public health measures [...]

Frequent Exposure to Violent Games May Have ‘Desensitising Effect’

A new study led by Malena Ivarsson from the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden) comes to the conclusion that teens who have been overexposed to violent content may become desensitized to it. via Research: Frequent Exposure to Violent Games May Have 'Desensitizing Effect' | GamePolitics.

Miss Representation

After an extremely successful season at Adelaide Fringe in March this year, Louiza Hebhardt (Director EQUILIBRIUM Counselling, Training, and Consulting) will be bringing the documentary 'Miss Representation' to Sydney for a one off exclusive screening on Thursday 16 May. "Miss Representation" first screened at Sundance Film Festival in 2011 and has aired on Oprah Winfrey [...]

Girl Mag Review

Girlfriend trifecta – three positive reviews and big ticks for global perspective in May issue My last two reviews (‘Excellent advice on helping a friend with an eating disorder and dealing with stalking’, ‘Pressures to sext and give oral sex’) have been almost entirely positive. That’s pretty unusual. The May issue makes this a trifecta. Whenever [...]

Listen to the kids

Last Friday I spent the day at the Student Wellbeing Action Network (SWAN) Symposium co-hosted by Wellbeing Australia and the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY).    The day brought together policy makers, researchers, practitioners, teachers and – most importantly for me – students to talk about how approaches to wellbeing can be [...]

Punching holes in the Matrix

I have always loved the movie ‘The Matrix’.  I watched it again recently with my daughter Meaghan, and I can’t help but be struck by the parallels of the situation that Neo, Morpheus and their allies find themselves in the movie, with the circumstances of a growing number of people who are fighting passionately for [...]

Do fashion magazines perpetuate racism?

As long as the West continues to accept the portrayal of people of colour as generic, interchangeable bodies with which to contrast modern, individual white models, then there can be no room for empathy; they will remain the "other". Self-criticism is a fundamental and essential trait of any society that wishes to progress. The issue [...]

Beauty pageant syndrome

I recently heard of a girl who was given a boob job as a graduation present by her parents. The parents had just invested a fortune in educating their daughter in one of Australia’s top schools. But it seems the final message of her schooling was effectively to not worry her pretty little head about [...]

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