
Internet pornography is an urgent public health issue, conference hears

Peter Donnelly, professor of public health medicine at St Andrew’s University, Scotland, said that the “very violent and denigrating” nature of much internet pornography was a deep concern. He said, “All males need to think very carefully about their use of pornography, because if there’s no market, you begin to change this. What you hear [...]

Helping Kids Online

Whose job is it to teach children about cyber-safety, online behaviour or digital citizenship? Parents seem to be waiting for schools to take the lead, whilst this is another area schools believe that parents have dropped the ball, and unfairly they’ll say, need to find time and resources to fit this into an already jam-packed [...]

Psychiatrist’s view: Yik Yak is most dangerous app I’ve ever seen

Yik Yak can turn a school into a virtual chat room where everyone can post his or her comments, anonymously. Untruthful, mean, character-assassinating short messages are immediately seen by all users in a specific geographic area. - Dr. Keith Ablow via Psychiatrist's view: Yik Yak is most dangerous app I've ever seen | Fox News.

A Personal Tale Of Being Bullied

I was bullied as a kid. That might be hard for you to imagine if you’ve met me in person. As a former representative footy player who stands around 191cm and over 110kg, I don’t come across as your typical ‘victim.’ But I used to dread going to school on a daily basis. Each day [...]

Seeking answers on breeds bullying online for Australian teenagers

It is a website renowned for vicious and offensive postings with guaranteed anonymity, and yet teenagers are flocking to Welcome to the new ground zero of cyberbullying for high school students. "Nothing surpasses at the moment for nastiness among students. Nothing," cyber safety expert Susan McLean said. - Cosima Marriner via Seeking answers on [...]

Digital Self-Harm

Last year, researchers at the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Centre found that up to 10 per cent of first-year university students had ''falsely posted a cruel remark against themselves, or cyberbullied themselves, during high school''. And this is not the first time that online ''self-harassment'' or ''self-cyberbullying'' has been identified and written about. In 2010, Danah [...]

Suicide voyeur has case overturned

The conviction of an American ‘‘suicide voyeur’’ who encouraged a British man and Canadian woman to take their own lives in an internet chat room has been overturned on free speech grounds. - Philip Sherwell via Suicide voyeur William Melchert-Dinkel, who posed as a female nurse and went by the name 'Falcon Girl', has case overturned.

Facebook is ‘dead and buried’, replaced by simpler networks, study finds

A study of how older teenagers use social media has found Facebook is "not just on the slide, it is basically dead and buried" and is being replaced by simpler social networks such as Twitter and Snapchat, an expert has claimed. via Facebook is 'dead and buried', replaced by simpler networks, study finds.

Big Data Crushes Anti-Vaccination Movement

For years it’s been relatively easy to ignite medical controversy with emotional but often anecdotal evidence. TV is a popular format for doing just that. It’s quick, colorful and dramatic and increasingly in high-def and big-screen. Add a well known celebrity or two and the effects can be powerful, long term and hard to refute. [...]

Frequent cell phone use linked to anxiety, lower grades and reduced happiness in students

Today, smartphones are central to college students' lives, keeping them constantly connected with friends, family and the Internet. Students' cell phones are rarely out of reach whether the setting is a college classroom, library, recreational center, cafeteria or dorm room. As cell phone use continues to increase, it is worth considering whether use of the [...]

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