
Google, Microsoft ramp up fight against online child pornography

In response to the longtime, alarming proliferation of photos and videos containing child pornography on the Internet, Web search giants Google and Microsoft plan to introduce measures to block the content from their search results. The modifications will prevent more than 100,000 search terms from generating results that link to images and videos associated with [...]

Is it possible to have Internet addiction?

Is there really such a disorder as "Internet addiction"? In my estimation, the short, honest answer is, "We don't know enough to say for sure." Part of the problem is the ambiguity in—and disagreement over—the terms "addicted" and "addiction." An even more serious problem is sorting out the role of "the Internet" (and other electronic [...]

New Silk Road online drug bazaar opens

A new anonymous internet marketplace for illegal drugs has debuted with the same name and appearance as the Silk Road website shut down by US law enforcement a month ago. Like its predecessor, the new Silk Road listed hundreds of advertisements for marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy and other illegal drugs available for purchase from independent sellers [...]

Limit teens’ web access to two hours a day, parents told

Teenagers should spend no more than two hours on the internet each day, doctors warned as they advised parents to remove laptops and gadgets from their children’s bedrooms. Many mothers and fathers remain “clueless” about the impact excessive media exposure can have on their children and need to “get with it”, it was suggested. Dr [...]

The disturbing world of ‘pretty or ugly’ videos

When I was a teenager I would spend hours in my room singing into my hairbrush microphone in front of the mirror.  Go on, admit it, you probably did the same.  Indulging in some self-love is a fundamental right of childhood. For the kids of today the mirror has morphed into a small pixelated screen [...]

Internet overload depriving people of sleep

A British survey has found 9 out of 10 people are sacrificing a good night's sleep so they can stay in touch on the internet. More than half of two thousand people polled said they went online while in bed trying to sleep and one in five admitted they needed to check their Twitter, Facebook [...]

Why technology needs to be out of bedrooms

I have recently returned from a trip to Africa. In the weeks leading up to my trip I was often asked, “Why would you go to Africa to talk on technology?” Because the world is truly a global village! I have seen it with my own eyes.   Other than perhaps extremely remote areas, almost [...]

The Grand Theft Auto phenomenon

GTA's vast and action-packed virtual world is frequently more appealing to players than the real one, with 14% of British men admitting they are likely to throw a sickie on the launch day of a new game. Thanks to its gameplay innovations, and helped along by just a hint of controversy, the series has shifted [...]

Overload of screen time ‘causes depression in children’

British children who spend most time in front of televisions and computer screens have lower self-esteem and greater emotional problems, according to a study published today by Public Health England. The report found that excessive “screen time” – more than four hours a day – was linked to anxiety and depression and was responsible for [...]

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