
Facebook With Care: Social Networking Site Can Hurt Self-Esteem | Depression, Achievement & Social Comparison

According to three new studies, Facebook can be tough on mental health, offering an all-too-alluring medium for social comparison and ill-advised status updates. And while adding a friend on the social networking site can make people feel cheery and connected, having a lot of friends is associated with feeling worse about one's own life. The [...]

How to help kids who are hooked on online gaming

97% of children play video games* 2% are addicted The recent story of an Adelaide mother who is struggling with her 17 year old son’s addiction to the online fantasy game Runescape probably rang alarm bells with many parents who suspect or know their teenager is in front of a screen far too often and [...]

Advice on standing against sexist stereotypes, teen marriage, budgeting and managing internet

Girl Mag Watch Dolly January 2013 Good advice on standing against sexist stereotypes, teen marriage, budgeting and managing internet - but why so much on scoring a boyfriend? In its first edition for the year, Dolly brings readers some important content to help them launch into 2013. ‘Sexism: what’s it all about?’ examines how gender-based [...]

New Year – New Cyber-Safety Initiative

How many of us rang in the New Year by posting a picture or status update for all our friends on Facebook? Probably a lot of us. Another year, another exponential increase in the amount of people engaged in social media in general and Facebook in particular. With increased use, comes increased mis-use – predominantly [...]

By |2013-01-24T10:21:39+11:00January 24th, 2013|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Fear that gaming apps will groom young gamblers

A VIRTUAL poker-machine game that children and teenagers can easily access was the highest-grossing phone and tablet app in Australia, prompting outrage from gambling critics and the established pokies industry. The continued growth of virtual gambling apps has also moved Senator Nick Xenophon to push for laws re-classifying the games as gambling when Federal Parliament [...]

Snared in the tentacles of a dark and dangerous place

As one of Britain's foremost child psychotherapists, Julie Lynn Evans thought she had long since heard every parental nightmare. But last week, after reading the tragic story of 15-year-old Tallulah Wilson, who killed herself after visiting websites about self-harm and anorexia, she found herself in tears. Her clients include three young people who have attempted [...]

Tips on how to protect children from impacts of media exposure

As with most things; moderation and having regard to its content are key factors in protecting children from the impacts of media exposure.  Mr Wayne Warburton, editor of “Growing Up Fast and Furious” and Right2Childhood seminar speaker has out lined some very helpful tips that will reduce the negative risks associated with exposing children to [...]

Tips on how to protect kids from online porn

Research shows that 70% of boys have viewed porn online by the age of 12 and that by the age of 15 nearly all have.  Increasingly they are also downloading porn onto their mobile phones and sending nude photos of themselves to each other. Experts agree that viewing pornography can be harmful to the healthy [...]

The Parenting Minefield That is Social Media

Every child is just one decision away from making a mistake.  As parents, we hope to help them avoid these mistakes by teaching responsibility – but, errors in judgment are an important part of the learning process on the road to adulthood. Unfortunately, the Internet introduces new challenges in parenting.  Now, in the blink of [...]

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