
Sitting in front of a screen can lead to heart problems later

A recent study carried out by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, looked at the link between screen-based entertainment time and cardiovascular events later in life. It seems that sitting in front of a screen (TV, computer games, internet etc) and viewing screen based entertainment for long periods of time can [...]

Seminar: The Right to Childhood 2011

A number of concerned organisations and experts have come together to hold a forum called  Right2childhood  to examine the convergence of sex, violence, media, commerce and popular culture. It explores the impact on our children and what we can do about it.  When: 9am-5pm, Friday, April 29, 2011 Where: Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney CBD Many child development [...]

Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars respond to QLD catastrophe by helping young people in 'disaster recovery'

The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People Brisbane, Gold Coast & Canberra Supported by: Beyondblue headspace Australian Communication and Media Authority National Cannabis Information and Prevenntion Centre Collective Shout ACER Please note that due to the floods in Queensland there have been some changes to the schedules and locations. We have also worked with [...]

Teach your child to handle bullies in the schoolyard and online

20% of children are bullied at school 20% of teens do things online they later regret Clinical Psychologist and Generation Next speaker, Andrew Fuller says school yard arguments have become more intense and that cyber bullying has become more vindictive during the last few years. “There has been a change in bullying from mild schoolyard disputes [...]

25 ways to protect young people from online bullying

Susan McLean, Cyber Safety Expert and  Generation Next speaker gives the following advice on how to help protect young people from being bullied online. Do not reply to rude or nasty comments. Immediately tell an adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried online. If someone is being mean or nasty on MSN – block them. [...]

Facebook: the danger of too much information

Experts have been screaming about internet safety and the potential perils of cyber space for some time now. A recent case of a man in America, who took information from Facebook profiles and then hacked into women’s email accounts, highlights the dangers that are out there in virtual world. The most shocking thing about this [...]

Facebook places its users in danger

The possibility of having your identity stolen and then illicitly used is one step closer now the social networking site Facebook has given developers of applications access to the contact information of users who install their applications. Facebook issued an online statement saying "These permissions must be explicitly granted to your application by the user [...]

Social network sites have negative psychological impact on children

Shorter attention spans The need for Sensationalism Inability to empathise with others Poor sense of identity Young people who spend hours in the world of virtual relationships are at a greater risk of psychological damage according to leading UK neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield, professor of synaptic pharmacology at Lincoln College Oxford. She is urging the UK [...]

Tips to help parents tell if their child has been approached by an online predator

The Queensland Police force has put together some tips on what to look out for if you think your child or a young person you know has been approached by an online predator. You find pornography on your child’s computer. Child sex offenders sometimes use pornography as a way of opening sexual discussion. It may [...]

QLD Police show you how to protect your kids online

An initiative by the Queensland Police called Who's chatting to your kids? gives parents, teachers and carers practical information on how to protect children online and what to look for if you think a child is being approached by a predator. The internet and advances in technology have been embraced by sex offenders who are [...]

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