
Perth Generation Next Seminar next Saturday

Generation Next is coming to Perth! Featuring speakers such as Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, Julie Gale, Paul Dillon and Susan McLean, the seminar will provide solutions to the challenges facing generations Y and Z. The seminar will cover a range of topics including cybersafety (including cyberbullying and sexting), the sexualisation of our children in the media, [...]

Trainee teachers to get cyber-bully education

A new program will educate Trainee teachers on how to monitor and manage cyber-bullying. The program from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will build on the Cybersmart Internet Safety Awareness presentations which have been presented to over 50,000 teachers, parents and students. A pilot of the program is currently being trialled at the [...]

New resource to combat cyberbullying

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) last week launched Let's Fight It Together, a government resource designed to combat cyberbullying. The resource which is available to schools includes a 40-page teacher's guide, featuring lesson plans, follow up activities and support material to help teachers write classes to educate students about cyberbullying, and a DVD, [...]

Professor Susan Greenfield discusses computer games

Professor Susan Greenfield, world renowned neuroscientist from the University of Oxford, discussed the impact that computer games can have on the brain in an interview on Lateline on the ABC last week. She concluded that video games change the game player’s mind, both in good and bad ways. Professor Greenfield described our brains as being [...]

Psychologist to treat computer game addicts in-game

An English psychologist has announced plans to start treating video game addicts within the fantasy worlds of the games they play. Richard Graham of the Tavistock Clinic, London, believes many addicted gamers do not realise they have a problem, and would benefit the most from someone who understands the game. The game World of Warcraft [...]

Calls to not ban technology from schools

Cyber-bullying expert Dr Barbara Spears from the University of South Australia has called for improved technology education and earlier targeting of mental health problems for children in Australian schools. Dr Spears emphasised the increasing problem of cyberbullying however highlighted that banning technology from schools will not solve the problem. She believes instead that children must [...]

The skinny on sexting

Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between mobile phones, but can also via internet applications such as MSN, email or social networking sites. In Australia, if the images are of a young person under the age of 18 years, the person taking the pictures, sending them, or possessing [...]

Texting teaches kids to make more mistakes

An Australian study has found children who frequently use mobile phones to send text messages are being taught to act impulsively and make mistakes as a result. The study of 317 Melbourne students aged between 11 and 14 found those who regularly send text messages were faster to respond to IQ style questions but were [...]

Top internet safety tips part 2

• DO NOT disclose personal or identifying information or photos! • Make sure that you shoulder surf! • Know where your child is in Cyberspace.... Just as you would in the real world! • You are the parent and you should be in charge. Visit my website for more cyber safety tips! Written by Susan [...]

Top internet safety tips part 1

• NEVER allow a computer in the BEDROOM! • Have a Family Online Contract! Set rules and consequences for breaches. • Filtering software is important but the most effective filter is Parental Supervision! • Social Networking Sites such as Facebook and Myspace MUST be set to PRIVATE! The top internet safety tips part 2 will [...]

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