

When I was a Police Officer, one of the most common conversations I had with parents went along the lines of, “someone has hacked into my daughter’s Hotmail account and........” In reality however, what had happened was that the daughter had shared her password with one of her friends, or had as a password something [...]

Kids’ mobiles don’t belong in their bedrooms

We received an overwhelming response to comments by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg this week about the over-use of mobile phone technology by young children. Our research of 257 Australian parents representing 517 children showing 69 percent of kids aged under 18 have a mobile raises some interesting points. While no-one can deny mobile phone technology has [...]

Cyber bullying is the top parental concern

Did you know that the prospect of their child becoming a victim of bullying is now the top fear among Australian parents? Six-in-ten parents nominate bullying as their biggest concern, ahead of their children becoming a victim of crime (46 percent) or performing poorly at school (44 percent). Make no mistake - online bullying is [...]

Not just Victorian families need to keep watch on the Net

You might be surprised that Victorian families are the least likely to actively keep an eye on what websites their kids are visiting, given that they’re also the most likely to have an Internet-capable computer in a shared area of the home. Generation Next’s research with parents of 527 children asked what strategies they used [...]

Parents of a million Aussie kids are leaving out a Welcome mat for pedophiles

  Almost a million Australian children are being given unfettered access to the Internet, new research released today reveals. The revelations come from Generation Next, a national parenting seminar organisation being supported by anti-depression initiative, beyondblue, and Australian Government-backed youth mental health foundation, Headspace. Their research finds 22 percent of parents of children aged 4-18 [...]

School Violence and Shootings

Testimony presented at the House Judiciary Committee Oversight Hearing to Examine Youth Culture and Violence on May 13, 1999 Dewey G. Cornell, Ph.D., Curry School of Education, University of Virginia Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Members, Ladies, and Gentlemen. I am Dr. Dewey Cornell, a clinical psychologist and a professor in the School of Education at the [...]

By |2009-04-04T22:38:27+11:00April 4th, 2009|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Adolescence, pornography and harm

From the introduction to an Australian Institute of Criminology discussion paper: "The probability that a young person will have exposure to pornography prior to the age of 18 - the legal age in Australia at which it is permissible to view and purchase such materials - is very high. Concern exists, among both parents and [...]

By |2009-04-03T14:05:54+11:00April 3rd, 2009|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Introduction to Generation Next

Generation Next will focus on providing essential and up to date information for parents , teachers and carers about problems relating to drugs and alcohol, cybersafety, mental health and related issues that affect young people and on constructive solutions to these problems. Presenters for the series include: Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, adolescent psychologist and media columnist, [...]

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